Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.12895935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5994


KEK…Remember this….Sit down and shut up…FKing Idiot..kekeke


The ‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up


The leftist media is furious again, this time because Donald Trump is refusing to accept the results of the 2020 election. Norms! They scream. We need a peaceful transfer of power, an acceptance of the results, they say. Um, wait. Aren’t these the same people who cheered p-ssy hats and the chants of “not my president?” Those of us on the right didn’t forget about all of that.


For four years, not a few months, the Democrats and their media allies insisted first that Trump’s election was not legitimate and then that he was a Russian asset. It was abject nonsense, a lie. It was a hysterical and long-lasting undermining of our democracy. Now these same clowns, these buffoons, are lecturing us about accepting the results.


The left made the rules. I'm ready to play by them.

Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:29 p.m. No.12895957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5995

Facebook’s enforcement report reveals AI is deleting 97 PERCENT of ‘hate speech’ before anyone reports it


Facebook has patted itself on the back for nuking almost all “hate speech” that supposedly violated its rules. But not only was most content deleted before anyone could flag it, users weren’t even allowed to appeal most deletions.


Unveiling its Community Standards Enforcement Report for the fourth quarter of 2020 on Thursday, Facebook bragged that its expanded use of artificial intelligence had helped it delete almost twice as much “bullying and harassment” content as the previous quarter, just one of several categories in which removals skyrocketed, while its Instagram subsidiary dramatically expanded its ability to catch suicide and self-injury related content.


Facebook axed 6.3 million bullying items, nearly doubling last quarter’s 3.5 million and assisted in large part by its AI technology. Expanded translation ability helped it remove 26.9 million pieces of “hate speech” content, up from 22.1 million in the third quarter. And Instagram nabbed 6.6 million pieces of hate speech while more than doubling the amount of suicide and self-harm content it removed - from 1.3 million to 3.4 million this quarter.

Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:32 p.m. No.12895989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

German court closes loophole that put government health website first in Google search results


A loophole used by the German authorities and Google to put a government health website ahead of others in search results represented unfair competition and threatened freedom of the press, a Munich court has ruled.


Last November, the German Health Ministry and Google joined forces in an attempt to steer German-language searches on the top 160 most common diseases to a government-funded website. The aim was for people to access verified information on those illnesses from a single source, with Health Minister Jens Spahn insisting that the coronavirus pandemic had highlighted the importance of such a move “as if through a magnifying glass.”


The goal of making “the central port of call for reliable health information on the [German] internet” was achieved without manipulating search algorithms. Instead, the website simply popped up in one of Google’s so-called ‘Knowledge Panels,’ which are located above other results. The IT giant has been using the same practice widely in other regions, displaying data from local health agencies or the World Health Organization (WHO).


On Wednesday, however, a state court in Munich ruled that private providers of health information were being put at an unfair disadvantage.


Indeed, the Google-government collaboration had proven to be a major success, with the shortcut swiftly putting the state-funded portal ahead of private outlets, leading the Burda Group, which operates one of the most popular German-language health websites,, to file the unfair competition lawsuit.


The company complained that its website lost up to 30 percent of its hits in recent months, leading advertisers to turn away.

Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.12896032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Administration Requests Court Pause Trump Move to Ban WeChat


WeChat, a Chinese social media and mobile payment app first released in 2011, became the world’s-largest mobile app in 2018, with over 1 billion active monthly users. The administration of former US President Donald Trump moved to ban WeChat and other Chinese-owned social media apps last fall, citing security concerns.


The Biden administration on Thursday requested that a federal court pause a case regarding Trump’s effort to ban WeChat, with administration officials telling the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that they require additional time to review the proposed ban.


“As the Biden Administration has taken office, the Department of Commerce has begun a review of certain recently issued agency actions, including the Secretary’s prohibitions regarding the WeChat mobile application at issue in this appeal,” reads the court filing, obtained by the Washington Post.

Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:40 p.m. No.12896062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NYT Calls Cultural Marxism “American” and Even France Realizes Critical Race Theory Will Tear The West Apart


Even the New York Times ran an article on this. However, notice that their headline calls the Marxist socialist ideas of critical race theory American. In reality, theya re an intellectual invasive species and the NYT knows this. Post colonialism and critical race theory are merely Marxist socialism repackaged with new language. Stalin would immediately recognize the progressive left, BLM, and Antifa as his progeny and comrades.


It is precisely the fact that they are entirely un-American that makes these ideas so dangerous to America.

Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.12896074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6087




Where the FK ya been the last 100 years or Moar……As if this just started today….kekeke….Com'om Freddy ..I know you're smarter then that…

Anonymous ID: 9f2645 Feb. 11, 2021, 4:45 p.m. No.12896094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mr. Jimi Hendrix with his 12 string acoustic guitar. Filmed in widescreen. A very clear image of Jimi and his guitar work.