if only some old faggot peckerwood would invade mah poleland
if only a mob of horny pedovores would swamp mah backchannel
everybody like mah hillary tranny
no one know's my playwrite surname "micheal moore" yet
kamal clit is not a pen
rabbi rumjob said so
i deny giving schumer an erection over israel
schumer did not get an erection for pelosi while i watched
does a butt potato make me scottish?
let me pretend i am pompeo and in control this time
i got schiff memes in mah jewhole schumer
and i am not wearing any peanut butter
big brave tranny frontbutts need old faggot peckerwoods during this screen door costume contest
maybe a couple old faggot peckerwood bots will rub together and invade mah poleland this time
you know it is sick and twisted homo when elon shows up trying to be side pony to everything
austin has never gotten anything on the scoreboard
>have you tried danielfaggot's frontbutt yet?
>it makes fartnoises going in and out
<buy soy lotions by tavistock
>What if [F]oreign backers continued to control America's policies?
<[f]oreign hookers good
>44, Brennan-lead + [F] assist.
<bannon likes boys
>[D] PARTY [[F] PUPPET MASTER(S) (string pullers)] DEATH SPIRAL.
<shitler clinton likes boys too
>All assets [F][D] deployed. [D] + China = 11.3
<blame jews for homocidesing tweaker island
>[C] before [D]
>Think double meaning
<frontbutt is like a backbuttbackchannel
>[China] [Biden] [D]ECLAS
<these iphone factory has nice suicide nets
<ken graves fucked ken graves
>[D] = Democrat party
<shitler clinton tranny will rise again like ham
>E = Gitmo
<pulled porks
>CLAS = Classified
let me wear my limbaugh costume again daddy
let me tell you lilGEHYcowboy lies to your jewhole schumer
that dorsey frontbutt is so butch
its not old and flappy like bill gehytes
could of been duke of gapes
its worse than pelosi "facelift" thing
lord frontbutt shill of the plebs has anounced itself ready to be milked
schiffy's lil meat curtains couldnt even hold it at disneyland