Anonymous ID: 9c599a Feb. 11, 2021, 6:39 p.m. No.12897077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7086 >>7089 >>7160 >>7264 >>7364 >>7465 >>7531

New Biden envoy to Iran is a Soros lackey, Hamas sympathizer, and was employed by Smartmatic’s Chairman, Lord Malloch-Brown.


His name is Robert Malley. Susan Rice called him one of her "most trusted advisers" and "one of our country's most respected experts on the Middle East." He worked in the White House under the Obama administration as the lead negotiator of the Iran Deal, as well as Obama’s ISIS Czar. And during the Obama admin, according to White House logs he met with George Soros at the WH on October 8th, 2015.


Malley’s ties to Soros date back years before that meeting as Malley worked for two different Soros funded organizations that he gave seed money to, “J Street” and the “International Crisis Group.” Soros as well as his son, Alexander, are current board members of the organization. One of the International Crisis Group’s founders and its current C0-Chairman is Lord Malloch-Brown, who is also Chairman of Smartmatic, the voting machine vendor that has been accused by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell of nefarious actions pertaining to the 2020 election. Another member of the International Crisis Group’s board is Alexander Downer, the Australian whose bar talk with George Papadopoulos in 2016 led to the opening of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into the political campaign of Donald J. Trump.


While working at the International Crisis Group, Malley held a meeting with the known terrorist organization, Hamas, and has been called a Hamas apologist by the Hudson Institute. Malley’s pro Hamas leanings may have been something he learned at home, being that his father, Simon Malley, was a member of the Egyptian Communist Party and a confidant of Yasser Arafat.


Now Malley is the Biden administration’s point man on all things Iran. In the words of Joe Biden, Inshallah!

Anonymous ID: 9c599a Feb. 11, 2021, 7:11 p.m. No.12897355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He can't actually do that. Quit pearl clutching

He could try.

And who's to say the Supreme Court wouldn't side with him.

Constitutionally it's not legal, Commerce between the states can only be regulated by Congress. In the Supreme Court ruling Edawrds v. California (1940) - The transportation of persons is "commerce,"


But I've seen some bullshit out of courts and the Supreme Court -

Sonia Sotomayor denies bid from NY parents for kids’ vaccine exemptions



If Biden has corrupt judges on his side, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Anonymous ID: 9c599a Feb. 11, 2021, 7:23 p.m. No.12897477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7493


You're like the my grandparents neighbors who called the racists and ran them out of their neighborhood because they spruced up their garden and decorated their roof.

It wasn't against zoning laws!!!!!