Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.12897738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12897497 (pbs)


The funny thing is, once SEEN you cannot unsee. And they're easy to spot. The Jaffa are everywhere…useful idiots for their "gods".


And little hats. Their DNA is the "withered fruit"….so basically if we look at truth in fiction, they are Goa'uld + Wraith + Asgard regarding characteristics. They have an army of "slaves" aka Jaffa….and they are very very powerful. KEK until they run into an ANCIENT willing to fight. When Goa'uld transition to ORI they keep up the same conquer/control…they don't give up easy. THEY feed on your prayers, fear and manipulate you into worshiping the "god" they gave you.


That's why the final battle is so long, so hard and so very very ugly. They have always hunted the world for the DNA of the ancients….there has been no place they could hide where they did not hunt them down and kill them. They took whatever form they needed…from the Hyksos to the Sea Peoples…they never stopped HUNTING to destroy.


Don't be afraid to "aim" your prayers to "Creator of all Things Living"….rather than the false god they created to harvest your energy.


The time the separation of the wheat from the chaff is upon us.


Alistair Crowley once rightly said "there is love, and there is love, the SERPENT and the DOVE. Choose ye well."


Wonder what he knew that you have not yet permitted yourself to know, because you're trapped in a "fear-based mercy"?

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 7:57 p.m. No.12897797   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>same Wall St banksters funded both Bolshevik revolution and Nazis rise to power

Poisoning the well. They'd need to do that wouldn't they? Hitler immediately agreed to the Transfer Agreement for ONE reason. He didn't want what happened in Russia to happen in Germany. Apparently ending their banking system….almost always leads to death/destruction.


Let me guess, the author convinced you National Socialism was a bad thing.






and more


have 1 thing in common….


Perhaps you need to watch Europa, The Last Battle and figure it out for yourself. Right now all I can say about you is "the programming is strong in this one".

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:01 p.m. No.12897829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12897386 (pb)


> ill need to figure out some other way to survive.


Were you expecting to sit back and let someone else do all the work? Each of us has to choose for themselves. IE the vaccine….no one is going to or should save you from that choice. It is literally a PERSONAL choice to be enslaved or be free. To cast off the programming or not.


ALL of us have suffered in one way or another. Seems to me you're expecting someone else to do something something so you don't have to choose.


>>12897454 (pb)


>Biden being president


Let he who has eyes to see, see and ears to hear, hear. Sounds like you don't see anything, you're expecting spoon-feeding and you don't want to choose….why should you be able to CHOOSE when it's safe to do so?


Why do you believe Biden is president? Why do you need some kind of public announcement so you can SEE what should be obvious? The programming is strong isn't it?

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:04 p.m. No.12897848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OF all the deprogramming that is desperately needed right now….this is most important. Until people SEE…..and permit themselves to really grasp how long and how horrific this programming has been going on, I sincerely do not have much hope for over half of humanity.


The choice to KNOW will be theirs. The price for not LOOKING and knowing… enslavement.

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:08 p.m. No.12897875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7888


KEK…so much misdirection. Good news…they CAN find them, but they cannot USE them. DNA….which is why THEY own all DNA companies, why China is actively hunting DNA and why "americans" were in Russia sneakily taking DNA samples.


They of the withered fruit…(DNA) can FIND all they wish…but it is useless…"one cannot operate the chair" without it.

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:14 p.m. No.12897917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12897400 (pb)

>The image-centric platform’s hate speech policy, as reiterated in its announcement, prohibits attacks on people based on “protected characteristics,” including race or religion, as well as “more implicit forms of hate speech,” like content depicting blackface and antisemitic tropes.


KEK this is so funny….what, at this point, IS NOT an antisemitic trope?


the truth is antisemitic

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:20 p.m. No.12897960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>he said we are safe

LOL define safe.


Individually safe of safe as a nation?


Each person has to choose to know….why would you choose spoonfeeding, why do YOU think you deserve (after years of programming and willful ignorance) to pass through this difficult time without also having to sacrifice.


You didn't appreciate the freedom you had and let it slide away without comment, and NOW you feel you shouldn't suffer? Trump isn't Jesus a scapegoat for YOUR sins. YOU will choose what to know.


How many of you have moved from a bank to a credit union? Too much trouble? no one TOLD you too?


Did you really think that you could have the freedom YOU let slide away restored to you without having to lift a fucking finger?


Consume consume, …consume obey…you slept while your kids went to indoctrination centers, you didn't NOTICE they were being programmed…no one told you to notice.


Fuck NPCs. Freedom isn't FREE.

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.12897988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8023


> i don't believe we've hit bottom yet

>i believe we need to hit bottom first

They won't appreciate what has been done for them until they are standing at the precipice. The leap of faith. Either take it and find freedom or cling to "safety" and lose both.

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:31 p.m. No.12898078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8115 >>8119


Digits confirm that looks like ammo bunkers.


That being said, you know why they've always been so desperate to get into Iran? KEK.


All their power, all their machinations, all and their lies cannot repair their withered fruit.


I also want to make clear "NOT ALL"…mostly the ones that rose up in Russia. I can easily tell the difference but I realize not everyone can.


I love how the weak of mind see "satan" behind every rock.


You know why they are so desperate to destroy India? Why a simple "temple investigator's" jewtube channel and facebook are constantly under threat of deletion? Why everything has to be couched within "ancient alien" or "technology" framework or it's POOFED?


They are actively attempting to destroy Hindu culture in India. Greta was just a small part of it.


I won't embed this video as it's the COMMENTS that are most important. You can skip the video, if you're American you've heard/seen the same shit countless times over the last 5 years. Read the comments.


Do you see?

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 8:36 p.m. No.12898119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I should have given more context to the Elephant carving found at Angor Wat….the 4 tusked elephant has been extinct for 2 million years.


(the channel is Praveen Mohan…his comment sections are 100% counter to the comments in the video of the post above.


Interdasting…perhaps it is TRUE that India will be the culture to help restore us to what we were INTENDED to be…rather than what we have become.


I won't embed this one either…the choice to KNOW must be yours. Ancient voices…tell how India was….before ….and what it was ALWAYS intended to be.

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 9:03 p.m. No.12898341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8361 >>8370


LOLOL well poisoning kikes…again. You fear the truth.


For anyone that truly wants to know, search out (not fucking gonna spoonfeed you)…Europa, the Last Battle and try to watch 1/2 hour to 1 hour at a time. Stop to research each time your jaw hits the ground.


This poster will do anything, SAY anything to stop you finding out every fucking word (((IT))) writes us a lie.


They won't be able to walk the streets…if enough of you figure it out. LOL this post tho…srsly. Well, you tried, and who knows, maybe among the programmed you'll hang on to a few.

Anonymous ID: 0c3d0c Feb. 11, 2021, 9:08 p.m. No.12898382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let me ask you who believe someone else is going to "help" us….what cost that help? Better we do it ourselves.


KEK excellent work. I died! You know that's why Hunter is so fucked up and subconsciously cannot stop seeking his father's love and approval. Imagine remembering that car being bumped from behind, imagine knowing your FATHER knew you were in the car.


THIS is when JOE took the symbiote. Anything to keep this secret.