The Trinity of the Global Empire
Why is Washington D.C. not a State and legally a separate city-state entity apart from the United States of America?
Why is the one square mile of the City of London, which has all the banks, with its own Mayor, a separate city-sate entity from all other England?
Why does the Vatican have its own country code, where the entire city-state entity is guarded by Swiss Guards and shares no laws with Italy?
Where Switzerland has never been involved in wars, where 'banksters' go for secret accounts to hide their wealth?
The Independent Treasury Act of 1921 suspended the de jure (meaning "by right of legal establishment") Treasury Department of the United States government. Our Congress turned the treasury department over to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve and their agents.
The bulk of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well kept secret from the American Citizen, is held by these banking interests:
Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
"The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.
It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."