Any other anons have a fucking problem with a mask ad at the top of every bread. I sure as fuck do.
Q, we all know this isn't right. Fix it because they want us to their way.
A mask at the top of this board is the opposite of what this board is supposed to represent unless it is all a psyop to keep us from revolting.
Some of us have already learned. There is a balance that must be maintained because this is a very slippery slope. Those who know will act for those who do not. When that happens the avalanche will not be contained and all will lose.
"I speak of the lower level junk who hated this country."
You mean hated this world. Global happenings are global.
My actions I can control, this has gone on too long. The actions of others I can only predict. It is no longer if, it is when. No readily visible action has occurred to change the direction and unless it does they will get the resolution they desire. I am but one with a small voice that is hardly heard in the crowd. I can make noise but it is drown out by those with with a megaphone. The precipice is now and it is global. Q trust the plan or Q the distraction? Soon it will no longer matter .
Our conversation started from a plea from France.
I post here because I know Q is listening, that was proven to me long ago during the time between boards when I asked for help and it was granted in the End. Q is listening and there is a plan but the timing depends on us.
"Yellow jackets" was it organic or something controlled? A harmless outlet for those who need and a show of force for those who fear? It served a political purpose and nothing more.
I pray Q is not a psyop. If we lose history as most have we are in the beginning of the next world war. The plan if it is true it will prevent a war based on a global awakening to the truth. A war cannot occur if the people are not willing to fight. Information is the key but the needed actions to dessemiate information are not complete. I fear the plan will not end before the war begins.
Teach us.
Needle dick? Is that you?
Dude that worked for the government got rid of my representative when asked before getting canned.
Or did Macron shut down the protests because they were no longer needed because of the lockdown?
Night bitches
See above, will read tomorrow