Anonymous ID: 3612fd Feb. 12, 2021, 7:18 a.m. No.12901177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1274 >>1313

>>12900839 pb

>>12900736 pb

>>12900743 pb

Anon, I've read the Constitution. Many, many, many times over my 62 years on this planet. "Only wanted white people" uh? I can only assume that's why the Declaration of Independence included this statement:


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".


Only a ignorant and unschooled person will make the assumption that "only whites allowed" was the intent of the Framers when they enshrined that statement "All men are created equal" in the Declaration. Omit the context on the era, the societal norm the world over at that time in history and yes, one can ignorantly come to the conclusion that "whites only" was the intent. Are you a fucking retard?


The "melting pot", no matter where it came from, has a distinctive meaning here. America. While it may mean something different to the communist, our melting pot is not one of sameness. No one is the same. Even twins are different. The melting pot refers to our culture. American culture. The American dream. Our capitalistic system of economics. The opportunity to succeed or fail, to get the fuck up and try again. For ALL. Our values, morals, work ethic. Our agreement with each other in promoting the civil society under girded by our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the rule of law. This is the compact that binds all of US together in a civil society. That compact is being decimated and destroyed by the cancer known as progressiveism/communism.


The only ones who desire everyone to be equal are the elites. The Masterminds who know better than you do in how you should live your life. Equal outcomes lead to equal misery. Not for them though. They do just fine. We are all equal as human beings before God and the law. Equal justice. These people are anathema to this American culture and no less dangerous than war itself.

Anonymous ID: 3612fd Feb. 12, 2021, 7:23 a.m. No.12901213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12900682 pb

Had to kek anon. I'm here in a very red area. I don't see that happening for quite a while. Like you, "Not even a chance". They love that commie cock don't they? KMFAO!!!

To you Patriot, all of US will stand when the time comes.


Anonymous ID: 3612fd Feb. 12, 2021, 8:08 a.m. No.12901679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alright faggots. Got shit to do. Chek back in later. Maybe Q will show his sorry fucking ass up in here and at least let us anons know that they are alright, Q+ is alright and the shit is still moving forward.