Anonymous ID: 726ca0 Feb. 12, 2021, 8:38 a.m. No.12901862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Forgive all as the Church [Body of Christ] Father's and Mother's have taught the Generations before us. However, the Children of the evil-one were taught to kill… After watching the video attached it would seem We are at the Precipice. I personally believe this has been a cyclical war and we just happen to alive the fight during this Generation. Praying without ceasing was written down for our edification and protection. We rise or we will like the sacrifices of past… watch the world burn. The points described in the discussion are showing the entrenchment and leads this humble man to this conclusion… so the video points out how the vax kills with the letter "Y" and rent forbearance program steals the land by giving lease control to [CDC] "It was the only way]Military fully controlled[ PRAY!!! I lurk and pray for all humanity knowing in the end God Won at the Cross…}His{ peace be with you all…