how was it done legally if they cheated?
Says who, what court. Oh right not a single one. How about you try harder faggot earn your shill bucks today.
HAH now i know you are a worthless nigger. enjoy those shill bux, can't spend them where you will be going. KEK
traffic is a little bit heavier this am. Must be for the hearing. expecting to get hit with worse images soon as well.
OMG this faggots comments.
hahah fuck you mason. I know your kind.
HHAHAH you sure are a persistent masonic faggot. Seriously you are worthless its time you just accept it.
sure it was, let me guess you are the one who knows all the super secret info all because you took a load of jew spunk in your fag ass.
was that the plan because i don't recall that written down in scripture, but considering you know top secret masonic fag secrets you must be right. fucking idiot. Your kind needs to be destroyed it is that simple.
you are still crying mason. Enjoy hell.
masons get the rope. I hate you and all you speak of and the only thing that matters is your destruction.
please kys. I am begging you get your super powers, all you need to do is just end it. Be a hero.
love it