Anonymous ID: 81e9e5 Feb. 12, 2021, 11:15 a.m. No.12903655   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's all about targeting HIS show, eh? GONZO. Just like Levin whining about his book not allowed in airports, and HIM being censored on twatter. GONZO. Hunter S. Thompson is rolling in his grave.

Corrupt Opinion channel wouldn't DARE harp on all the Soros INFLUENCE though, would they.


Election “influence” & Justice Kavanaugh, ETC. Soros -Richard Pollock from the One America News Network recently interviewed CRC’s president Scott Walter about billionaire George Soros and the massive amount of lobbying undertaken by his Open Society Policy Center. This two-part series aired on October 14 and October 21.

More Soros secrets

How many SAW it? The Hidden World of George Soros

MAY 15,2020 Critics question involvement of Gates, Soros, Clintons in contact tracing efforts – The involvement of several prominent progressive global figures in "contact tracing" initiatives is being brought into question;…One America's Kristian Rouz has more. Deep State/Cabal…HR6666

How the Communists, such as Fredo’s brother and Gruesome Newsom are already implementing the surveillance, population control


Or these?

Fusion GPS

Reports: Deep State, Soros, Obama fuel riots to hurt President Trump

OAN's Posobiec: Ala. false flag campaign tied to Fusion GPS, Soros Group

Project Veritas: Billionaire Soros allegedly funding Antifa-like groups

REPORTS: Soros indirectly funding caravans through abuse of UN credit card program:

Prosecutor who dropped Smollett charges was Given $400K by George Soros

George Soros spends over $1.5 MILLION dollars in election to oust San Diego District Attorney:

5/23/18 George Soros is Trying to Buy District Attorney Elections Across America

Petition to Declare George Soros a 'Terrorist' Requires Response Sep 8, 2017

Soros, Dems Mass-Register Felons to Vote Against Moore in Ala. Election

George Soros' non-profits may be using misleading, deceptive info. in tax filings

It was recently revealed that billionaire George Soros was the third largest lobbyist in the nation's capital in 2018. One America News has taken a deeper look at Soros' foundations this week amid allegations they may be misleading the IRS with their tax filings. One America's Richard Pollock has more from Washington.

George Soros, buying a district attorney near you:


San Diego District Attorney, Summer Stephan, on George Soros & his Influence on Local Politics


And, of course, this: Fox News Bans Guest for Making False Accusations Against Democrat Donor George Soros

Chris Farrell accused Soros of funding the migrant caravan in Central America on “Lou Dobbs Tonight”

Jeremy Fuster | October 28, 2018