No, it’s not, just stop
Yes stop thinking this will be suicide weekend.
Nothing has happened to wake the normies up, nothing has been revealed to show the corruption of the traitors
What about all those sealed indictments? They just going to be swept under the rug and ignored forever?
I’m surrounded by normies, they’re as blue pilled as ever.
Please share your alternate perspective
Believe me, I’d like to see suicide weekend as much as the next anon, but I’m trying to stay somewhat grounded if possible
I’m not blaming you for anything
I’m not a shill, jerk
Well I’m jealous, I wish I knew folks that are waking up
I’m not your pal, guy. Guess opposing viewpoints are not tolerated
I do t have an objection and you certainly don’t have to answer anything to me
Might I suggest a nice sativa to mellow you out? It seems like something is upsetting you
Lots of stressed out people here today. I think we were all hoping the defense would drop a MOAB of sorts but it did not come to pass.
Now we get to focus on the upcoming SCOTUS cases, and if those are dismissed for whatever reason we turn to the military. If they don’t act immediately I don’t know what to turn to next