Anonymous ID: 425761 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:40 p.m. No.12906749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6776

>>12902614 PREVIOUS Notable

>Both Groups Charged with Conspiracy to Storm the Capitol Were Led by FBI


>You should know that your face is already in a facial recognition database, there are already cameras all over the world in every public place, and many of these cameras are about to be linked into the global facial recognition database which, using 5G, will allow for real time registering of every movement anyone makes.




When ANON posted how the dots line-up and lead back to the infiltration of the TRUMP rally, well, it occurred to me that Q has referred to the importance of facial recognition.


As per the following examples -


Q 428


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No.146268📁

Dec 22 2017 01:13:36 (EST)

Why is EM provided BIG WW subsidies?

No subsidies = ?

Clown contribution in exchange for access code?

Why relevant?

Amazon Echo?

Google Home?

Clown contributions?

Apple Face ID Tech?

FB Face ID Tech?

Catching on?

Bombs Away.



Q 431


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No.146599📁

Dec 22 2017 01:36:43 (EST)

We are moving fast.

Remember, not all within the C-A, D-J, F-I are bad apples.

House cleaning (TOP).

Restructuring (1 to 2).

Operations 24/7.




Q 1510


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: bb2ba6 No.1764829📁

Jun 15 2018 19:28:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: bb2ba6 No.1764595📁

Jun 15 2018 19:16:54 (EST)


Have you IDEN other person?

Search Hussein admin.

No facial hair.

Obtain name.

Cross FBI sec clearance?







Why are Hussein records sealed?


Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?

IT scandal Awan.

Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.


Paki leak?

MB infiltration?

IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.

Keep your eyes on the ball.

POTUS is not going through this for nothing.

Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).

There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.

We owe it to our children!



Q 1511


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: bb2ba6 No.1764930📁

Jun 15 2018 19:34:06 (EST)



Search foreign posts (State).

Face important.



Q 1713


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 00f66d No.2298388📁

Jul 26 2018 13:42:54 (EST)


Anonymous ID: 04e035 No.2298369📁

Jul 26 2018 13:41:40 (EST)


Proven shop…



The author of the post…..

The face is never the author.

Direct comms come in many different forms.


Anonymous ID: 425761 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:52 p.m. No.12906852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6903

Considered the TRUMP legal defence in the Senate trial to be a strategic outcome not of the Trump team but of the anti-Trump forces.


To argue that the impeachment is unconstitutional, and therefore the trial a miscarriage of the impeachment provisions, the defence argued that DJT was no longer in office. That is to say, that they conceded he had lost the election.


Now, granted, there are nuances as far as actually conceding, explicitly, versus the implicit concession here. But this is political theater, not merely a legal and intellectual argument one might make in writing and expect an impartial juror to graps and grapple with. This was a kangaroo court show trial or whatever you might call a smear display by elected representatives.


To make the argument that this impeachment was unconstitutional, and to lose - at least on the political surface - that argument in the SENATE vote to proceed anyway, well, that has now paved the way for the impeachment of previous officer holders - especially Hussein. And when that impeachment comes to the Senate, there will be substance upon which to charge crimes and misdemeanors.


Likewise with Biden both as former VP and as the current Prez.


Meanwhile the various ways and means utilized to snuff out the evidence of the voting irregularities and fraud and foreign interference will come under a very harsh light. And the stars of THAT show will be stars 'undiscovered' as of yet.


Should these matters come to a Senate trial, it would not be for show, for theater, but for justice.


The beauty will be for the defence of Hussein and/or Biden and others will be the constitutional argument that the Senate had pushed aside so as to put Trump on trial.

Anonymous ID: 425761 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:59 p.m. No.12906903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6929 >>6930



Another point here is that while DJT does not really need to be re-elected President in order for him to effect the change he has championed - especially in securing the integrity of elections - his opponents all desperately desire to remain eligible to continue to hold and to run for public office.


Biden and SCHUMER/PELOSI are done one way or the other but what about HARRIS and the others with future political ambitions?


Recall the farce that was on world wide display during the show trial of the GANGE OF 8?


Search thru Q posts for references, some direct and others indirect, to such an event in the past and upcoming.

Anonymous ID: 425761 Feb. 12, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.12906930   🗄️.is 🔗kun



GANG of 8.


China's major political trials – a timeline


Bo Xilai is not the first Chinese politician to have been toppled and taken to court. Here are some other significant cases


Gang of Four


Their backgrounds were similar in that prior to 1966 all four were low- or middle-ranking officials who lacked leverage within the existing power structure. Shared traits included their ability to manipulate the mass media, their good standing with Mao, and their dislike of and subsequent desire to overthrow moderate government officials


Gang of Eight

Anonymous ID: 425761 Feb. 12, 2021, 4:09 p.m. No.12906991   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They do not expect to get the votes to convict in the Senate, but they do expect to get a majority vote to do so anyway.


Then they will move the goal posts, of course, and report this as success.