Anonymous ID: 797338 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:46 p.m. No.12906798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6809 >>6820 >>6892 >>6911 >>7042 >>7088

Biden’s ‘100 Days’ Of Masks Transforms Into Masks ‘Through The Next Year’


The goalposts have already moved


Joe Biden’s 100 day mask mandate has now transformed into wearing masks ‘through the next year’, according to comments he made Thursday.


In an appearance at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, Biden told staff “You know that wearing this mask through the next year here can save lives, a significant number of lives.”


Mumbling through his own mask, Biden also blamed President Trump for the vaccine roll out being delayed.


“While scientists did their job in discovering vaccines in record time, my predecessor – I’ll be very blunt about it – did not do his job in getting ready for the massive challenge of vaccinating hundreds of millions,” Biden said.

Anonymous ID: 797338 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:47 p.m. No.12906816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911 >>7042 >>7088

Counsel Says Politicians Raising Bail For Rioters Encourages More Rioting, Harris Promoted Bail Fund Group For ‘Protestors’


Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham and colleagues have been strategizing with the defense team and questioned the counsel, “Does a politician raising bail for rioters encourage more rioting?”


President Trump’s defense team responded in less than 10 seconds ‘yes’ after being given 5 min. Some will argue that Harris was raising bail for ‘protestors’ which of course PolitiFact wanted to make it clear that “not everyone who has been arrested during protests could fairly be described as ‘rioters.”


Celebrities who also helped pay for Minnesota ‘protestors’ bail reported by People Magazine “Steve Carell, Seth Rogen, Janelle Monáe and Don Cheadle were among the stars that donated to the organization, sharing the link on Twitter. Kehlani also posted their donations, each giving $1,000.”


Fox News reported, “Sen. Kamala Harris promoted the bail fund group that several Biden staffers donated to during the protests that followed George Floyd’s death…”


On the link posted from Kamala Harris’s Twitter reads, “Make a donation to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. Your support will help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”


Below is the post VP Kamala Harris made promoting the bail fund groups, “If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFun to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

Anonymous ID: 797338 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:50 p.m. No.12906838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6859 >>6911 >>7042 >>7088

Cuomo lied and covered it up — we need a federal investigation to find the truth


New York needs the truth about the Cuomo administration coverup of nursing home deaths — and that means an independent federal investigation.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide confessed privately this week that the administration suppressed the true COVID toll in the homes. She also she offered an apology — not to the thousands of New York families who needlessly lost loved ones thanks to her boss’s mismanagement but to Democratic lawmakers put in a difficult “political position with the Republicans” by the coverup.


A federal investigation may be the only way to get the full truth of Team Cuomo’s order to nursing homes, populated by those most vulnerable to the virus, to take in COVID-positive patients. Not just the “what” of how many lives it cost, but the “why” behind this madness, and the months and months of coverup.


Melissa DeRosa, secretary to the governor, made the stunning statement on a video call with Democratic state lawmakers as she “explained” why the administration ignored since August their demands for nursing-home death data. It began when then-President Donald Trump “directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us,” she said. “And basically we froze.”


“Because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,” she said.


Suppressing evidence for fear of federal prosecution — what did the administration have to hide?


Another problem: The state started hiding the info months earlier, long before Trump tweeted a thing.


Later in the call, she said the Biden Justice Department isn’t as interested in Team Cuomo’s malfeasance. “All signs point to they are not looking at this, they’ve dropped it,” she said.

see also


Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out


Not when she’s admitted a coverup, they can’t. The feds must reopen a probe and subpoena Cuomo, DeRosa, and Health Commissioner Howard Zucker.


Perhaps a special counsel is needed. Cuomo has long and strong ties to Biden, who reportedly considered him for attorney general. Cuomo was even at the White House Friday, managing to avoid reporters as he met with the president and other governors to discuss stimulus legislation.


What truth we now have only came despite Team Cuomo’s best efforts. It took a damning report from Attorney General Tish James and a court order in a months-old Freedom of Information suit to get the Health Department to cough up anything.


And the lies keep getting exposed. It turns out the number of recovering patients sent to nursing homes early in the pandemic — 9,056 — is 40 percent higher than what the DOH claimed in its whitewashing July report. The state just released the new number in response to an Associated Press Freedom of Information request made back in May.


Upon hearing DeRosa’s admission, state Sen. Andrew Gounardes (D-Bay Ridge) called it a “betrayal of the public trust.” Absolutely.


New York needs to get to the bottom of Cuomo & Co.’s pack of lies. The public needs the full truth — and accountability.

Anonymous ID: 797338 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:52 p.m. No.12906850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6876 >>6911 >>7042 >>7088

Former First Lady Announces Launch Of ‘Office Of Melania Trump’


Announcement follows launch of Donald Trump's Office of the Former President


Former First Lady Melania Trump announced the launch of the Office of Melania Trump Friday, following President Donald Trump’s launch of the Office of the Former President just a few weeks earlier.


“Mrs. Melania Trump is announcing the opening of The Office of Melania Trump. Please follow this account for news and updates,” the Office’s new account tweeted on Friday.


The announcement was then retweeted by former First Lady Melania Trump from her personal account on the platform.


The announcement follows President Donald Trump’s decision to launch an Office of the Former President in January:


Today President Donald J. Trump announced the Office of the Former President, staffed by President Trump’s former White House advisors. According to a statement from the Office of the Former President, Trump will continue to push for his America First agenda using the Office.


“Today, the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, formally opened the Office of the Former President,” the statement began.


“The Office will be responsible for managing President Trump’s correspondence, public statements, appearances, and official activities to advance the interests of the United States and to carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism.”


“President Trump will always and forever be a champion for the American People,” the statement concludes.

Anonymous ID: 797338 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:57 p.m. No.12906891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911 >>7042 >>7088

Ian Sams, Former Kamala Aide and ‘Grillary Clinton’ Apron Model, Lands New Gig as Biden’s COVID Spox


T.J. Ducklo isn't the only middling political flack working in the Biden administration these days. He's not even the only one to be called out for berating a female reporter.


Ian Sams, whose résumé includes the failed presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton (2016) and Kamala Harris (2020), is no longer self-employed after landing a plum gig as the COVID-19 spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services.


Sams, who is best known for modeling Clinton campaign merchandise such as the "Grillary Clinton" apron, embarrassed himself on several occasions while serving as national press secretary for the Harris campaign, which flamed out months before the Iowa caucuses.


Sams lashed out at BuzzFeed editor Katherine Miller in October 2019 after Miller tweeted critical remarks about Harris's performance during a Democratic primary debate. He didn't confront Miller directly, but rather reached out to her boss, Ben Smith, to complain.


Sams was offended that Miller had praised another failed candidate, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), for suggesting Harris's crusade to get Donald Trump banned from Twitter was a dumb idea. Was this a racist thing to suggest? Sams thought so.


"This kind of stuff is just a really horrible look for you guys," Sams told Smith via text. "Frankly, it's whiteness manifest. If Kamala shrugged off a Warren critique of how she wasn't with her on [breaking up] Facebook, we'd get raked over the coals and [Warren] would be lauded as taking on corporate power."


Smith's response to the aggrieved flack was rather savage. "Do you seriously not have real problems?" he asked. "This text makes me think you are totally, totally unready for an actual presidential campaign."


Smith was right. Days later, Sams humiliated himself again by tweeting out a bizarre photoshopped image of Harris being yelled at by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). The original image was taken during a contentious meeting between Pelosi and President Donald Trump, whose image had been sloppily replaced with one of Harris with her arms crossed.


"It's time for an upgrade," Sams wrote on Twitter, to the confusion of everyone. Why was Pelosi yelling at Harris? Why was Harris surrounded by Republican aides and lawmakers? Why? No one had a good answer to any of these questions, least of all Sams, who ultimately deleted the tweet. "Rightwing twitter is a really sad place," he lamented.


Anyway, congrats on the new gig!

Anonymous ID: 797338 Feb. 12, 2021, 4:01 p.m. No.12906919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6992 >>7042 >>7088

What Collapsed the Middle Class?


The middle class has already collapsed, but thanks to debt and bubbles, this reality has been temporarily cloaked.


What collapsed the middle class? In many ways the answer echoes an Agatha Christie mystery: rather than there being one guilty party, a number of suspects participated in the collapse of the middle class.


Can we consolidate these dynamics into a few core causal factors? I’ve made the case in the past few posts that yes, we can: many of these causes are part of a single dynamic, the decapitalization of the middle class and the decay of the ladder of social mobility which enabled tens of millions of workers to transform their wages into productive capital via saving and investment in their own human capital, their own enterprises, and assets that earn income.


The Top 10% Is Doing Just Fine, The Middle Class Is Dying on the Vine (2/4/21)


The second primary dynamic is the substitution of debt and speculation for earned income and productive capital. As the purchasing power of the bottom 90%’s wages declines, the status quo has substituted debt for income and speculation for investing in productive capital.


Debt and the Demise of the Middle Class (2/9/21)


This dynamic incentivizes debt, speculation, and consumption rather than producing, savings and investments in human and productive capital. The source of this incentive structure is the maximization of corporate profits earned by banks loaning money to the middle class and by selling the middle class on superfluous consumption being the signifier of “success” rather than production being the signifier of “success”.


In reality, what counts is agency (control of one’s life, having a voice in governance) and ownership of productive capital. Becoming a debt-serf to buy more stuff and grab a few chips in the speculative casino sacrifices both agency and the acquisition of productive capital. But this sacrifice is oh-so profitable to the financier purveyors of debt and speculative gambles in the casino.


The third dynamic is globalization, and specifically the tyranny of global markets. Global banks and corporations are ideally placed to profit from the arbitrage of labor, environmental regulations, currencies, corruption (dear in some places, cheap in others), and the price of debt and risk.


Wage-earners have no such leverage. In effect, all the risks of competition are eliminated for corporate monopolies and cartels while the risks are transferred to workers who face a global race to the bottom in wages, opportunity and income security.


The fourth dynamic is speculative bubbles put many assets out of reach of the bottom 90% who have only their wages and savings. The winners in speculative bubbles are those fortunate enough to have bought homes, bonds, rental properties, land, etc. decades ago when a house could be had for three times median income and bonds paid solid, above-inflation returns.


The bottom 90% attempting to find productive assets at affordable prices now are out of luck. Consider a 900 square foot home built in 1916 in the desirable San Francisco Bay Area community of Albany, CA. The house sold for $135,000 in 1996, 3.8 times the national median household income.


Then Housing Bubble #1 boosted the value to $542,000 in 2004, 12.2 times the national median household income. Housing Bubble #2 has pushed the value to slightly over $1 million, 14.5 times the national median household income. Only those inheriting wealth (or who chose wealthy parents), those earning over $250,000 annually or speculators who just scored big gains in bitcoin or GameStop could afford this very small, modest house.