>Q is either lying or he's/they're wrong.
Then there really is no point in being here for you, is there?
Anons will not accept your fantasy. Ever.
It really is that simple.
Just because you're allowed to continue posting doesn't mean anybody takes you seriously.
It's all about free-speech.
So yuze keep shillin'.
But we keeps chillin.
>OMG!!! What a faggot.
TY for getting triggered.
Back in the 30's, being gay was still recognized as a mental illness. Not only in Germany, but in the US and most other countries the world over. The point is that the nazis practiced eugenics and gays were only one of many other groups of people with mental disorders who were exterminated because they believed that mental deficiencies would be passed on to their offspring. Remember that gays were often in the closet all their lives. They married and had children in order to hide their abnormal behavior.
A little bit of research into history beyond what's taught in schools would serve you well.
You'll discover that the real reason for the revolution in the sixties and seventies wrt 'alternative' lifestyles is a direct result of this fact.
Staying in the closet means continued reproduction. Continued population growth.
Coming out means reduced population.
Transgenderism is based on exactly the same principle.
Abortion is based on exactly the same principle.
Women pursuing a career and putting off marriage and childbirth until their 30's is based on the same principle.
The more people fall for this bullshit, the lower the population.