Anonymous ID: d6d955 Feb. 12, 2021, 5:51 p.m. No.12907906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7912


Biggest Bloodiest Red Pills


6pg article abbreviates all soviet history/sjw/pc/woke mind control. Saves you reading thick texts from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Hayek, Ayn Rand or Orwell. Question all info and research the facts yourself.


In my own somewhat galactic scale summary, the Deep South Slavemaster monied families that saw their world view and wealth defeated by President Lincoln in the US Civil War have deftly and painstakingly recreated their illegal wealth creation methods and racist morals by using the cheap and controlled labor on the CCP plantations to produce consumer goods all all kinds. They used to lynch runaway or dissident slaves, now the CCP disappears them (even medicos and lawyers) without trial just like the old south - - same same with voting - - the CCP plantation slaves cannot vote or gain any freedom to speak or organise revolt - most of the official 92million enrolled CCP members are the chinese version of what George Soros once was - they are modern Sondercommandos.there is a plantation sondercommandos (a ccp/PLA commissar in business attire) on every 'company' board doing domestic or foreign business. Hundreds in not thousands of CCP sondercommandos actually live and work in the USA. They wear a good disguise, and they hang with politically correct NPC airheads but they are what they are. Never forget Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Biden are complicit. Who will pay reparations one day to the descendents of the CCP plantation slaves??