Anonymous ID: b545fb Feb. 12, 2021, 9:17 p.m. No.12909373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9458 >>9497


Anon - I hear you and I'm standing beside you - one anon next to another. We stand together in the face of this obvious bullshit trial, waiting for more normies to awaken. Whether the awakening happens sooner or later, it doesn't change the fact that we are together. Whether Q posts again or not, we are here - awake and alive.


Whatever the outcome, and whenever you came aboard (I'm in my 11th month of my neverending tour), we're together in this through the end - in whatever form that may be. Whatever we posit, datefag, guess, or otherwise conjecture, we are bound together by the fact that we are here. Now.


Those that have jumped ship or given up - may God bless them and save them, but they can no longer figure into our plans. We are what we have.


Discern the shills and ignore. Their demoralization attempts are neverending. Your fellow anons are with you. And you are with us. None of us are alone in this.


To quote the fictitious Col Frank Slade: Hoo-ahh.


This is a great time to be alive, and we ARE alive. Hold the line, anon. Relief may be coming, or it may not. For me, I take comfort that I've found kindred spirits here in this place, and its meant a shit-ton to me. Were it ever possible to get together at some point, it might well be the greatest reunion I could think of.


You’re not alone.