Anonymous ID: 74a636 Feb. 13, 2021, 7:51 a.m. No.12912868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2898

As a white male, I have had enough privilege, and won't get a vaccination until all members of ethnic minorities are vaccinated first.


It's the least I can do to put those hardest hit first.

Anonymous ID: 74a636 Feb. 13, 2021, 7:57 a.m. No.12912909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2975

The 6 biggest matrix lies

Do you know the 6 biggest illusions in this world? No ? Well I'll tell you.


The first is time. How many times have you been told: "time flies, you have to find a job before you are abandoned, you will be delayed in society" etc … time does not mean anything. You can even change your life at 80 if you want to, it's all in your head. Time was created as a tool of control over the population.


The second biggest illusion is school / jobs. The only thing school uses is learning to read, arithmetic and write. Everything else is just matrix programming where you have to learn things that will not do you any good, but most of the time they are wrong (history for example). School also serves to kill your inner child you create anxiety and stress and transform you into a robot ready to feed this matrix. When you finish school, you have to find a job and be a slave to another human to give yourself the illusion of being inferior and just a tool. The more you do a monotonous job, the more you will lose your humanity and your soul, society does not care about you, it just uses you as a puppet to fuel the matrix. The stress and boredom of work will cause you to take substances that will disconnect you even more from your real you.


We move on to the third illusion with marriage and children. Why is the famous executive, find a job and a spouse, get married, have children, a dog and a house, so commonplace? Because it is a trap for you to stay firmly anchored in this world. Firstly your bank will let you take out a loan for your house so that you stay in debt, then you have to marry another human and be his half forever … because if you have a spouse for life you will never be able to unlock your full potential as a soul. You will remain stuck with your spouse and your children for life. And the elites know full well that in today's society a relationship cannot last and so they use divorce to destroy the man even more and put him in more debt. You can have children if you are financially and spiritually free, but when you decide to have a child, it is as if you are crossing off your possibility of becoming the best version of yourself because you will have to take care of your little one for the next 18 years.


We move on to the fourth illusion with lust. Lust is the most powerful illusion in this world. Everything is hypersexualized and revolves around sex. 3 porn sites are in the top 10 most visited sites in the world. Why? For the elites use the greatest weakness and strength of man to destroy him. This has created tons of simps who remain virgins all their lives and sex crazies who assault and rape women because they can no longer control their impulses. A man who keeps his sexual energy up and doesn't let sex distract him is a boss in this world.


The fifth greatest illusion in this world is money. It's all about money. By setting the elites money on keeping the majority of humanity in their chakra of survival so that they can remain submissive. They're creating all these materialistic things so that you spend your money stupidly and stay in poverty to please women who don't care about you just to unleash your sexual energy into them. All of these celebrities serve to keep you in the illusion by making you believe that they are living la vida loca when in real life they are in hell every day.


And money is connected to all other illusions. You have to look for the money because you are wasting time. So you work for someone to get him to buy you clothes to have wives who will give you children and keep you trapped. Everything is connected.


Now the sixth illusion aka the ultimate illusion is quite different from the other five. This illusion is the fact that they makes us believe that we are all equal and all the same. We all have a flesh and blood body and that's all we are. But the truth is much darker. The truth about this illusion is that our bodies are only vessels for our souls / minds / consciousnesses but everything that it creates in this world has served to disconnect us from it to believe that we are only bodies. The Aliens are already among us. Demons, lower astral entities, souls, archons, reptilians and other species have been with us since the dawn of time. your mom or your best mate could be one of those entities. Now for people with soul, you are much more powerful than you have ever been told. But you would never find out in the s if you couldn't on your own. It is possible to see through the body and feel the energy of some people, but it takes a lot of soul searching. It will be all for today. One more.

Anonymous ID: 74a636 Feb. 13, 2021, 8:02 a.m. No.12912952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2960 >>3314 >>3349 >>3469 >>3530

Messenger RNA vaccines EXPLAINED 1/2


There are 72 common vaccines in the United States.


We have never ever used an mRNA vaccine ever.


We have RNA vaccines. Measles virus is an RNA virus. Polio is an RNA virus.


But the difference is that in those vaccines the virus is part of the vaccine wholly-intact.


When your body generates an antibody against a virus, it is against the outer coating proteins of that virus.


What we’re doing with this new vaccine is we’re taking a little piece of the covid viruses genetics. Specifically, we are taking the code associated with what’s called the Spike Protein. We’re injecting that into the body creating something called a ‘non-neutralizing antibody’ which, in essence, instead of taking that messenger RNA and gobbling it up and making it go away like what happens when you get a measles vaccine and you get a measles and it gobbles it up and it makes it go away, this non-neutralizing antibody actually creates something called antibody dependent enhancement. That’s often referred to as ADE.


An antibody dependent enhancement allows that little piece of messenger RNA to start replicating on its own. And it will. Over and over again, creating these little pieces of proteins inside of our body for our body to create an antibody against.


This is what will Bill Gates meant when he said “yeah, human beings can become their own little vaccine manufacturing machine.”


Because we interject this messenger RNA that binds onto your reverse transcriptase enzymes, and starts replicating itself over and over again creating more antibodies against the spike protein.


Here’s where it gets really interesting..


That spike protein has been shown in 2 other very specific ways to cause injury.


1.) When you create an antibody to that spike proteins..Antibodies are designed and when we write about them in literature we make it look like the letter Y. The two arms of the Y are called FAB fragments and the stem is the FAC fragments FAB are the ones that grab hold of the virus and generally neutralize it.


When you look at the messenger RNA it grabs hold of it but kind of loosely binds it and when this FAC fragment goes over and hooks onto the macrophage that’s supposed to kill it, and it gets taken inside and that messenger RNA gets released.


That’s where it starts to replicate over and over again. It’s like having an on-button but no off-button.


That whole thing, that whole Y mechanism I just described to you has a name. They call it Trojan horse mechanism. They call it this because it allows that virus and that piece of that virus to get inside of your cells, start to replicate, and even get inserted into other parts of your DNA as a Trojan horse.


That is one of three mechanisms.


2.) When you create this antibody, this non-neutralizing antibody, to the messenger RNA, (or that stem/FAC segment to that spike protein) can go into your lungs and attach to the lung tissue and start developing diffuse alveolar damage, which is diffuse injury to the cells inside of your lungs. Where. You. Breath!


It starts to break them down and destroy them. And what those antibodies do is they cause various degrees of puss and bleeding and damage to your lungs.


So, as you get this vaccine, this messenger RNA, you create an antibody, the antibody carries the thing inside of the cells through Trojan horse mechanism the antibody itself goes and starts to damage the lungs.

Anonymous ID: 74a636 Feb. 13, 2021, 8:02 a.m. No.12912960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2971 >>3314 >>3349 >>3469 >>3530



Messenger RNA vaccines EXPLAINED 2/2



3.) And the even more sinister thing is that spike protein antibodies can attack your macrophage.


Macrophage are a type of white blood cell that gobble up bacteria and bad viruses in your system that aren’t supposed to be there through your FH1 pathway, your hyper-vigilant white blood cells.


We get bacteria into our body all day long from eating, brushing teeth, going to the bathroom, having sex, so those white blood cells just come along and gobble things up and make them go away. There are 2 types of macrophages.


When you get pneumonia or some sort of serious infection the type 1 macrophages are pro-inflammatory and they show up at infection and start creating cytokines and blowing whistles and bringing all the things to try to kill off the infection. They are very aggressive and highly inflammatory, which is what you want!


The type 2 are anti-inflammatory so as you start to recover, the type 2 come in and tell the other guys “shut up we’re here to clean up the mess.” So, they clean up the debris, the dead white blood cells, and all these things.


So both those macrophages work together in concert type 1 -kill off infection and type 2-heal it.


When you’ve got this antibody to the spike protein, which is the full intent and purpose of this entire vaccine, that antibody kills your type 2 macrophages. It attaches to them and inactivates them.


So, in the experimental animals that died of lung infection and inflammation when they sacrificed them..what they found was that all of the lungs were filled up with all of these type 1 pro-inflammatory, highly cytokine types of macrophages and zero type 2 macrophages.


What they did when sacrificing these animals that had not been vaccinated but had been sick, they found that within two days of getting sick without the antibody, without the vaccine, the type 2 macrophages had come into the infection and started cleaning up the mess and started healing it as long as they didn’t have the presence of a spiked antibody.


With the presence of a spiked antibody it killed them and didn’t allow them to do their job.


So, those are 3 of probably 7 mechanisms of how this vaccine is going to cause a problem.


1.) Antibodies to the spike protein are going to destroy your lungs. 2.) The antibody to the spike protein is going to shut off your M2 anti-inflammatory macrophages. 3.) The antibody to the spike protein is going to loosely bind the virus, or loosely bind the messenger RNA, and drag it inside of your cell through a Trojan horse phenomenon, making it start replicating and having this process go on and on and on because it is an on-button without an off-button.