Anonymous ID: 682e12 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:06 a.m. No.12914073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4117


back in the early 90's I signed up to be a marine office. between the time I signed was to report, the hearings for Thomas happened. I was discussed by the way the senate conducted itself and went to my recruiting office and told him I wanted to drop. We spent a couple of hours talking and I explained that I had lost faith in our countries leadership and it's commitment to the constitution. He talked me into going to Quantico for training and told me that I would have the option to drop after 6 weeks if I still felt the same.

At the end of six weeks I asked to drop, went into the commanders office and had to explain why I wanted to leave. Strangely , my recruiting officer just happened to be there in VA ( am from the mid west). I told them the same thing about not trusting our elected officials. They tried to talk me out of leaving and offered to help me with anything I needed to make it through. I declined and left.

I always wondered why they seemed so interested in keeping me, given I was not the run of the mill ooh Rah, whatever the core asks kind of recruit. When I saw the Q narrative, something clicked and I decided, maybe there are some in the military who actually do care about the constitution.

Or maybe the majority of military are still just follow the leader types. Only time will tell.