Anonymous ID: 6f4ff4 Feb. 13, 2021, 9:46 a.m. No.12913848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3872 >>3878 >>3889

>>12913532 {lb #16482}

>If the Democrats try to keep Trump's team from calling witness, I'd imagine there will be chaos


Chaos is what they want, why you think DC is a walled city now? Their useful idiots in the web can not tell info from disinfo, bots, LARP's and trolls, they expected a Maidan like (in optics) uprising and created a proper narrative to exploit it. Things did not go thw way they expected and the narrative is falling appart. They have shills domestic and foreign instigating unrest everywhere. The newest addition are the Iranians. They may have been here already for a while but I only identiifed the first one weeks ago when I posted a pic of Soleimani in pieces to see if he was an actual chink or and Iranian and he lost his shit. Those pose as china strong guys and push the narrative that oppsign China is a ZOG project. They want to justify the DC fortress, do not allow chaos to got their way, BLM and AntiFa are already doing chaos that goes against their way.


What everyone can do now is start talking to relatives, neighbors and aquaintances in the Military asking them why we have a militarized forbidden city.

Anonymous ID: 6f4ff4 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:02 a.m. No.12914036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He can say whatever he wants, if they block Real POTUS witnesses the usurpers will be instigating chaos everywhere. Notice how yesterday even after been called out on doctoring the material (it's not evidence) they kept referring at it as evidence and asked if the defense had exculpatory evidence implying there was inculpatory evidence. Also see how they tried to force the Real POTUS attourney (or is it lawyer?) to call election fraud to have him dismissed. That's the same trick they will use to disqualify any witness from the defense. They want chaos, they need it.

Anonymous ID: 6f4ff4 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:09 a.m. No.12914118   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's not the narrative they need. They have a problem with the useful idiots, after they are past their use the turn on their masters. It is why the practice is to kill them all after they have a firm grip of power. Let their expired useful idiots do the chaos, at some point they will go beyond burning buildings, they wil start talking and that scares them shitless. They have no one to set on the sights of the crazies, Real POTUS is silent and a no show. They only have the usurpers to blame for their imaginary grievances. It's their chaos and they shall own it.