Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.12914439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4447 >>4467 >>4468 >>4497 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Harvard Center Attacking COVID Lab Theory Has Extensive Financial and Personnel Links With The Chinese Communist Party.


The organization behind a recent report attempting to discredit COVID-19 studies authored by Dr. Li-Meng Yan is run by the Research Director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, an entity with long-standing, extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The report leans heavily on scientific studies funded by Chinese government-funded and military-linked grants, The National Pulse can today reveal.


Studies authored by Dr. Yan, a former Hong Kong School of Public Health researcher, concluded that COVID-19 was a man-made virus originating from the Chinese Communist Party. “The Media Manipulation Casebook,” however, claimed Dr. Yan’s work was a “misleading article masquerading as science, which falsely claims that the novel coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab.”


The report has been amplified by the corporate media, including the CCP’s business partner The Washington Post. The Post has seen its journalists and editors take free trips to China from a state-run group seeking “favorable coverage” in return.


The Washington Post never declares the Shorenstein Center’s decades-long links to the Chinese Communist Party.


Biologist Bret Weinstein recently appeared on the Bill Maher show stating the likelihood of the lab theory actually stands at 90 percent.

Joan Donovan.


The organization and report’s lead author is Joan Donovan, the Research Director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, which has a number of links to the Chinese Communist Party.



Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.12914447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120



Dr. Robert Gallo: CCP Shill.


The Media Manipulation Casebook’s report leans on the findings of the MIT report, which counts the first researcher it cites as Dr. Robert Gallo. Dr. Gallo was recently awarded the “VCANBIO Award for Biosciences and Medicine,” a “significant and authoritative award in the life sciences and medicine field of China” presented by the state-run University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in December of 2020.


“Dr. Gallo is a pioneer in virus research and most worthy of this Prize. We are pleased to see him recognized by many members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I have worked with Dr. Gallo through the decades and admire his intellect and leadership, which have led to discoveries that have broad implications in protecting mankind from viral threats. I am delighted that my Chinese colleagues are recognizing him with this significant honor,” the Director-General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention noted.


But Gallo’s links to the Chinese Communist Party run deeper.


In 2009, the state-run Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) established the Shandong-Gallo Institute of Virology (SGIV). Gallo returned the favor, founding the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in collaboration with a host of Chinese academics:


“Since the founding of the Institute of Human Virology (IHV), Dr. Gallo notes that several of his key science leaders at the Institute of Human Virology came from China, including: Dr. Wuyuan Lu (recent Director of the Division of Infectious Agents and Cancer), Dr. Yang Liu (recent Director of the Division of Immunotherapy), Dr. Pan Zheng (Division of Immunotherapy), Dr. Lishan Su (current Director of the Division of Virology, Pathogenesis and Cancer), Dr. Man Charurat (current Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Prevention and Ciheb) and Dr. Lai-Xi Wang (formerly at IHV and now at University of Maryland, College Park). With each of these leaders also came labs full of Chinese colleagues, who Dr. Gallo states contributed greatly to advancing America’s biomedical research.”


Gallo has also co-founded the Global Vaccine Network (GVN), which has active branches in China. The Beijing-based center hosted GVN’s 7th annual conference:


“Dr. Gallo visited China countless times to discuss potential collaborations with public and private sector entities, mentored rising Chinese scientists and facilitated open scientific discussions to advance the field of human virology, among other important things,” a press release adds.


From how the Washington Post has one-sidedly reported the Shorenstein’s claims without citing their extensive CCP-links, the words of Xi Jinping himself ring true: “High-end science and technology is a national weapon in modern times.”



Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.12914462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Biden’s DOJ Drops Suit Against Melania’s Former Friend Who Breached Her Contract and Secretly recorded Her for Tell All Book – DOJ Doesn’t Provide a Reason


The case against the author of the book disparaging First Lady Melania Trump has been dropped by Obama-Biden’s corrupt DOJ.


We reported in late August how Melania Trump’s friend and confidant secretly taped her conversations with the beautiful First Lady and came out with a book sharing these secret conversations. Melania trusted this woman and never imagined her friend would do this to her:




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Biden’s DOJ Drops Suit Against Melania’s Former Friend Who Breached Her Contract and Secretly recorded Her for Tell All Book – DOJ Doesn’t Provide a Reason

By Joe Hoft

Published February 13, 2021 at 8:35am


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The case against the author of the book disparaging First Lady Melania Trump has been dropped by Obama-Biden’s corrupt DOJ.


We reported in late August how Melania Trump’s friend and confidant secretly taped her conversations with the beautiful First Lady and came out with a book sharing these secret conversations. Melania trusted this woman and never imagined her friend would do this to her:


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This past week the DOJ dropped the case against Wolkoff and provided no reason per Daily Caller:


The Department of Justice has ceased proceeding with any legal action against Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former friend of Melania Trump who authored a tell-all book detailing their friendship.


Wolkoff was sued a month after the book’s September release for breaching a nondisclosure agreement, according to Business Insider. The DOJ sought to transfer profits from the book to a government trust. A Notice Of Voluntary Dismissal was filed Monday and contained no further explanation as to why the suit was dismissed, according to the court document entered Feb. 8.


Wolkoff expressed her opinion on the matter in a tweet on Monday: “Melania opened Pandora’s box involving the DOJ. The enormous trove of communications & documentations I possess and shared tell the true story about ‘why’ and ‘how’ the contracts were ‘created’ and ‘terminated’ and who was involved. TRUTH PREVAILS.”


What a horrible person and friend Ms. Wolkoff is. Who would do such a thing? And of course, our DOJ is a corrupt gang that only prosecutes individuals and entities not on the liberal-communist train.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.12914481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4503 >>4532 >>4556 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Louisiana teacher, 34, 'had sex with her male foreign exchange student, 15, while her husband watched'


Kimberly Wellman-Rich, 34, and her husband, Jeffery Rich, 36, were freed on bond after their arrest


A Youngsville, Louisiana teacher and her husband have been charged after police alleged they took part in a voyeuristic sex game with an underage foreign exchange student.


According to The Daily Mail, teacher Kimberly Wellman-Rich, 34, and her husband Jeffery Rich, 36, are also accused of supplying the 15-year-old foreign exchange student with marijuana and alcohol.


Police also claim that Wellman-Rich had sex with the teen in front of her husband.


Wellman-Rich works for the Lafayette Parish School System, which comprises nine separate districts that run 16 schools ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade. Police have not specified where she works.


Both have been freed on bond.


The teacher has been charged with felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile, indecent behavior with a juvenile, encouraging or contributing to child delinquency and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile in regards to her relationship with the foreign exchange student, while her husband faces accessory charges. It was not immediately clear if the couple was available for comment or if they had retained attorneys.


According to CBS affiliate KLFY, Youngsville police began investigating the couple on Jan. 26 after receiving an anonymous report claiming Wellman-Rich was sexually abusing a foreign exchange student she was hosting in her home


“The complainant alleged that Kimberly Wellman-Rich is a host parent to a male juvenile foreign exchange student and that they believed Mrs. Wellman-Rich was having a sexual relationship with the student,” Youngsville Police Chief Rickey Boudreaux said in a statement.


Police also stated that the husband had “first-hand knowledge” of the sexual relationship.


Investigators alleged that Wellman-Rich began having sexual intercourse with the juvenile when he was 15 years old up until the time he was removed from her home.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.12914499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4521 >>4523 >>4660 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5112 >>5120

"Powerful Enough To Be Spotted From Space": Fuel Tanker Convoy Explodes At Afghan-Iran Border


A fuel tanker truck explosion on the Iran-Afghanistan border on Saturday caused a chain reaction of blasts so large it could be observed from space.


According to the Associated Press, "Two explosions at the border crossing were powerful enough to be spotted from space by NASA satellites. One blast erupted around 1:10 p.m. Afghan time (0840 GMT), the next around a half hour later at 1:42 p.m. local (0912 GMT)."


Iranian state TV is reporting that over 500 trucks transporting natural gas and fuel caught fire as the explosions intensified.


The blaze continued through the day at the Islam Qala border crossing, which is among the busiest border and commercial transit routes connecting Iran and Afghanistan.


While multiple injured have been rushed to the hospital, emergency workers have struggled to assess casualties given the blaze's intensity made the whole area difficult to access.


It's as yet unclear whether the fuel convoy was subject to attack, or if the fire ignited accidentally.


The AP notes, however, that "The road between the city of Herat and Islam Qala is a dangerous stretch of highway that Afghans rarely travel at night for fear of attacks by criminal gangs. Taliban insurgents also travel freely in the area."


And further, AP explained, "The United States allows Afghanistan to import fuel and oil from Iran as part of a special concession that exempts Kabul from sanctions against Iran. Satellite photos taken Saturday showed dozens of tankers parked at the border crossing before the explosion."


Currently, the Iranian Army has been called upon to join emergency crews attempting to put out the blaze, which reportedly also destroyed buildings at the border crossing

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:47 a.m. No.12914529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

‘No arrests’: Portland protesters pelt officers with ice, break windows of businesses as police RETREAT and post pictures


Portland police say officers “remained out of sight as much as possible” after being pelted with snowballs by protesters, who would go on to damage multiple businesses after the police retreat.


Portland, Oregon continues to deal with protests turning violent, even though police are bending over backward to stay out of sight – according to the latest police statements on Friday’s violent protest.


Despite heavy snowfall, 30 to 50 protesters marched on Friday night to the Central Precinct, according to the Portland Police Department. The demonstrators proceeded to throw snowballs at police vehicles and then at officers when they left the station to move the vehicles to prevent damage.


“Quit your job!” protesters yelled at officers as they were pelted with snowballs. The cops did not engage.


Police eventually moved back inside the precinct and locked the doors, ignoring protesters. The department defended the decision as “an effort to avoid confrontation and de-escalate the situation.”


“Officers remained out of sight as much as possible,” the department said in a statement. “However, officers were forced to monitor in case the group became more violent or caused damage to city property.”


Despite that effort, protesters did cause property damage, smashing the windows of a Starbucks and a center for urgent care.


Portland Police are now seeking information on the identity of the protesters, but zero arrests were made on Friday evening.


In tweeting out their official statement on the matter, the department referred to the protesters actions against police as simple “harassment.”


“Protesters Harass Officers, Throw Ice, Break Windows,” they tweeted.


“You misspelled ‘criminals,’” One America News contributor Victoria Taft tweeted mockingly in response.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:48 a.m. No.12914540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4546 >>4679 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Ignoring Pleas of Press Freedom Defenders, Biden DOJ Files Appeal to Extradite Julian Assange


"The Assange case represents the gravest threat to press freedom in a generation."


The Biden Justice Department on Friday formally appealed a British judge's rejection of the U.S. request to extradite Julian Assange, confirming the new administration's intention to run with its predecessor's espionage charges against the WikiLeaks publisher despite warnings that the case endangers press freedoms around the world.


"Yes, we filed an appeal and we are continuing to pursue extradition," Marc Raimondi, a Justice Department spokesperson, told AFP on Friday, the deadline for the U.S. to appeal Judge Vanessa Baraitser's ruling from last month.


As Common Dreams reported at the time, while Baraitser accepted most of the allegations that the Trump Justice Department leveled against Assange in its 2019 indictment—which charges the WikiLeaks founder with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act—the judge denied the U.S. extradition request on the grounds that America's brutal prison system would pose a threat to Assange's life.


"The Assange case could allow prosecutors to build criminal cases against journalists who obtain government secrets based on their interactions with their sources."

—James Risen, The Intercept


If extradited to the U.S., Assange could face up to 175 years in a maximum-security prison—conditions under which Assange would likely commit suicide, Baraitser warned in her decision.


"Disappointing that the Biden administration should do this given the chilling effect the ongoing pursuit of Julian Assange will have on press freedom," Stefan Simanowitz, Amnesty International's media manager for Europe, tweeted in response to the Biden administration's appeal.


In anticipation of the DOJ's filing, the Courage Foundation—an organization dedicated to defending whistleblowers—said in a statement Thursday that, if confirmed as Biden's attorney general, Merrick Garland should "take a renewed look at the prosecution" of Assange and "drop the case."


"The Assange case represents the gravest threat to press freedom in a generation," the group said. "It's not about Julian Assange as a person. It's about whether the U.S. government will respect the role journalism plays in democratic life (as a check on powerful institutions)."


The Justice Department's appeal came just days after a coalition of press freedom and human rights organizations including the ACLU, Amnesty International, and PEN America published an open letter urging the Biden administration to drop the case against Assange, whose release of classified documents exposed U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.


"Journalists at major news publications regularly speak with sources, ask for clarification or more documentation, and receive and publish documents the government considers secret," the open letter reads. "In our view, such a precedent in this case could effectively criminalize these common journalistic practices. In addition, some of the charges included in the indictment turn entirely on Mr. Assange's decision to publish classified information."

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.12914558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4570 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120 >>5131

Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo aide in nursing home cover-up, is related to top fed prosecutor


If the Department of Justice investigates the Cuomo Administration’s refusal to turn over data on nursing home deaths, a huge conflict would arise if the case were handed to the powerful Manhattan federal prosecutor.


That’s because Audrey Strauss, the US Attorney for the Southern District, is the mother-in-law of top Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa, the figure at the center of the emerging scandal.


The clamor demanding a probe into the cover-up of thousands of deaths have intensified after The Post reported DeRosa’s stunning admission that the Cuomo administration withheld the information from state lawmakers over the summer because it was worried federal prosecutors would “use it against us.”


The Justice Department in late August had begun an inquiry into nursing home deaths in New York and elsewhere.


“And basically, we froze,” DeRosa, who is secretary to the governor and his closest confidante, admitted to state lawmakers on a conference call.


“We weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice or what we give to you guys and what we start saying was going to be used against us and we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,” she told lawmakers on a conference call Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.12914564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google to pay French media $76mn to end long-running copyright spat, but not everyone is pleased


Alphabet’s Google has reportedly agreed to pay $76 million in compensation to a group of French news publishers to settle a year-long dispute over copyright rules enacted by the French authorities under EU legislation.


The remuneration from the US tech giant will be shared among 121 national and local French news publications, the framework agreement seen by Reuters revealed.


According to the documents, Google will pay $22 million annually for three years. The corporation will also provide compensation of $10 million to the same group in exchange for a commitment not to launch litigation over copyright claims for three years.


Google had previously announced the agreement with the Alliance de la Presse d’Information Generale (APIG), a lobby group representing the major French publishers. However, the company hadn’t disclosed details of the financial terms.


Last April, the European Union approved new legislation, which created so-called neighboring rights. The law obliges major providers of tech platforms to open talks with media outlet owners over the use of news content. The guideline confers a right on publishers to receive compensation when their content is used by the platforms. The accord between French media outlets and Google follows France’s implementation of the new rule.


The move reportedly provoked widespread discontent among many other French news providers, which do not belong to the group. The scheme was described as unfair and opaque, since Google refuses to provide access to data showing how much money it generates from news.


“These opaque agreements don’t ensure the fair treatment of all news publishers, since the calculation formula isn’t made public. Google took advantage of our divisions to advance its interests,” said Spiil, the union for independent online news publishers, as quoted by the agency.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.12914582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

11 Arrested During Violent BLM Rally that Left 2 NYPD Officers Injured


New York City police officers arrested 11 people during a violent Black Lives Matter march Friday night. The melee left two NYPD officers injured.


Approximately 100 BLM marchers took to the streets of midtown Manhattan Friday night, the New York Post reported. At least two NYPD officers sustained minor injuries during the incident.


WABC reported the incident turned violent as protesters clashed with officers near 6th Avenue and West 54th Street around 9 p.m.


Police officials did not disclose how the officers were injured, the Post continued. Officers responded by arresting at least 11 of the anti-police protesters.


The confrontation on Sixth Avenue began when police placed one of the protesters in custody, the New York Daily News revealed. Police officials told the local news outlet a melee ensued leading to the arrest of multiple protesters.


Daily News photographer Sam Costanza came under attack from the protesters when they mistakenly identified him as a police officer. Costanza said ten to 15 protesters surrounded him and began fighting him.


One of the protesters reportedly recognized him from a protest at the NYPD 6th Precinct headquarters in Greenwich Village last year, the Post stated. One of the protesters began yelling, “He’s a cop,” leading others to swarm the man and beating him with their fists and other objects.


Photographer Jost Pacheco paints a different picture of the incident:


Following the outbreak of violence, NYPD declared the march to be an unlawful protest and dispersed the crowd.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:54 a.m. No.12914594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599 >>4607 >>4639 >>4652 >>5102 >>5124

Bette Midler: ‘Donald Trump Killed People at the Insurrection’


Left-wing singer and actress Bette Midler told her two million Twitter followers that former President Donald Trump “killed people at the insurrection.” Twitter has not slapped a manipulated media tag on Midler’s tweet accusing the former president of murder. But the company continues to suspend, ban, and purge conservative accounts.


“#DonaldTrump KILLED people at the Insurrection. If he had put a gun to their heads, he could not have done a more efficient job,” tweeted Bette Midler. “And two policemen killed themselves from shame. Have you no hearts, #Republicans? Never, ever again say ‘#BlueLivesMatter.’ You’re fucking liars.”


In 2018, Paul’s neighbor Rene Boucher was sentenced to 30 days in prison for attacking him in a dispute over yard waste. Boucher pleaded guilty to assaulting a member of Congress. Paul suffered broken ribs and a bruised lung from the attack.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.12914618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625 >>4642 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120 >>5171

Netherlands Stops International Adoptions After ‘Stolen Children’ Scandal Exposed


The Netherlands has halted all international adoptions after a study revealed that many children brought to the country had been stolen from their parents.


A study by a government commission looked into adoptions from several countries including Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka between 1967 and 1998 and found that children had been taken from their parents. In some cases, the children were bought from their parents, who were facing pressure while suffering under poverty.


The commission also noted that the Dutch government knew about the abuses as early as the 1960s. Some officials were even involved in the adoption abuses, German broadcaster Deutsche Welle reports.


Legal Protection Minister Sander Dekker offered an official apology to those affected by the abuses earlier this week, stating that as a result of the findings, international adoptions would be halted for the time being.


Dekker added that overturning the international adoptions moratorium was a job for the next administration. Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s government collapsed in January amid a welfare scandal, and Rutte is overseeing a caretaker government until elections in March.


The Dutch study comes less than a year after a German report implicated former Berlin senators, a former West German chancellor, and many others in a network which deliberately placed homeless children into the homes of known paedophiles.


Researchers at the University of Hildesheim published their findings after looking through thousands of files and detailed a network that not only accepted paedophile foster parents but defended and supported the project that allowed one man to abuse at least nine children.


Helmut Kentler, the head of the Pedagogical Centre in Berlin which was identified in the report, had called for homeless children in Berlin to be put into foster care with paedophiles and argued in favour of children having sex with adults, describing such “relationships” as “in some cases almost something like a gentler form of social work”.


“It was all known about,” said Dr Stephan Klecha, a historian at Göttingen University. “Kentler’s books were bestsellers. His experiment was facilitated by the Berlin Senate and his final report was furnished with a preface from a liberal city senator.”

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 10:58 a.m. No.12914629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4642 >>4695 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Man Sentenced for Blackmailing Minors for Sex in Paris Suburbs


A 22-year-old man in the Paris no-go suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis was sentenced to four years in prison after blackmailing underage girls for sex on social media.


A court in the commune of Bobigny sentenced the man on Tuesday after finding him guilty of sexual assault on a minor.


According to a report from the news website Actu, the man had blackmailed his victims, most of whom were underage and Muslim, on the social media app Snapchat. He had threatened to post compromising photographs on pornographic websites unless the young victims gave him more explicit photographs and videos or sexual favours.


The 22-year-old, who worked as an insurance salesman, was arrested in December after demanding a 17-year-old Muslim girl meet him for sex at a Seine-Saint-Denis railway station after threatening to send photographs of the girl to her family.


After being forced to commit a sexual act on the man, the high school girl reported the incident to the police who told her to reconnect with the suspect. She made another appointment at a different railway station just two hours later where police were forced to use a taser on the man during his arrest.


Investigations revealed that the man had at least a dozen similar conversations on Snapchat with other victims, with the lawyer for the 17-year-old stating that the man knew “very well how to blackmail them”.


Last month, a similar case took place in Sweden but involved two men, both Afghan migrants, who were accused of filming sex acts with minors and blackmailing their victims with the footage.


Police were tipped off after some of the videos were spread on social media, leading to the Afghans’ arrests.


Prosecutor Andreas Lennartsson stated that the crimes went on for an extended period and involved girls as young as 13.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.12914673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4781 >>4843

Former NSA director, retired top officers ask Supreme Court to declare military draft unconstitutional


The former National Security Agency director and nine prominent retired general and flag officers have signed on to legal brief asking that the U.S. Supreme Court rule that the military draft is unconstitutional.


Their filing is in support of a petition that argues the Selective Service System is unconstitutional because it applies only to men ages 18 to 26 and not women.


Former Director of the National Security Agency Michael Hayden, a retired Air Force four-star and retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal top the list of supporters on the legal brief.


The group’s attorneys filed their brief Wednesday to support the petition filed by the National Coalition for Men, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union against the Selective Service System on Jan. 8.


The original claim argues that the high court should overturn a ruling it made in 1981 when the same challenge was made. At the time the justices ruled that the draft was constitutional because its primary function was to ensure combat ready forces for defense of the nation. At the time, women were excluded from combat roles.


But that’s changed.


The Pentagon announced it would lift the ban on women in combat jobs in 2013. Over the following six years the services opened up all jobs previously closed to women.


By continuing to make Selective Service registration and draft eligibility apply only to men, the Coalition for Men argues that the system is violating constitutional rights of men by sex discrimination.


The original lawsuit was filed in 2013 after the defense department announced an end to the ban on women in combat jobs.


The federal Southern District of Texas court agreed that men-only registration was unconstitutional, but the Firth Circuit reversed that ruling, which sent it for review by the Supreme Court.


Should the high court overturn the previous ruling, that wouldn’t automatically open the draft to women. It would likely go back to Congress, which wrote the law.


That is hinted at in the filings, in which authors list options for Congress, from extending selective service registration to women, eliminating the registration requirement, basically abolishing the draft or coming up with a new system for ensuring military readiness.


Legislative proposals in recent years, including part of the 2016 defense spending bill, regarding registration of women have stalled out in Congress, over worries over traditional family roles for women and the viability of the Selective Service System itself.


The system costs about $23 million a year and studies been critical as to whether it would be effective if officials needed it to conduct a draft.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.12914686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700 >>4701 >>4717 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Prosecutor Demands €5,000 Fine Against Marine Le Pen over Photos Exposing ISIS Crimes


National Rally leader Marine Le Pen and MEP Gilbert Collard were in court this week as prosecutors demand a 5,000 euro fine against the two for exposing Islamic State atrocities by sharing pictures of them on Twitter in 2015.


The two French politicians had posted the photographs after journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin compared the Front National, as National Rally was formerly known, to the radical Islamic terrorist group.


Both politicians admit to posting the photographs but protested the hate speech charges against them, French newspaper Le Figaro reports, with Le Pen stating: “It is crime, not photographic reproduction of the crime, that undermines human dignity!”


Le Pen compared the images to the photograph of Aylan Kurdi, a child who had drowned during the height of the migrant crisis in 2015 whose picture made front pages of newspapers worldwide, stating: “This photo was published by the entire French media without the prosecutor’s office ever finding a reason to initiate a prosecution of any kind.”


Mr Collard, meanwhile, said that if he were in the presence of a Holocaust denier, he was legally allowed to show them evidence of the genocide through photographs, and added: “If I am facing someone who denies violence against women, can’t I show pictures?”


The prosecutor in the case defended the action against the populist politicians, saying: “There is bound to be a choice to be made, and this choice is made according to the impact on public order that an action may have. In this case, there was a disturbance to public order brought by this case.”


A representative of the public prosecutor demanded a 5,000 euro fine against the politicians, while Ms Le Pen denounced the procedure as a “political trial”. The verdict is scheduled for May 4th.


Le Pen was stripped of her parliamentary immunity in the European Parliament over the tweets in 2017 — prior to coming second in that year’s French presidential election — when she served as an MEP for the former Front National.


The prosecution comes as Le Pen become a major challenger to President Emmanuel Macron. Polls place the populist and the globalist neck-and-neck in both the first round of voting and a potential second-round run-off ahead of the next presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.12914709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4916 >>4981 >>5075 >>5120

Melinda Gates’s ‘family planning’ group has strong ties to abortion, transgenderism


Family Planning 2020 stays relatively quiet on abortion, but its partners and the members of its steering groups fill the silence.


Melinda Gates’ Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) coalition celebrated the progress they say they’ve made since its debut in 2012 and announced a new, updated partnership for the next ten years they are calling FP2030. Beneath the festive veneer, the awkward fact remains that FP2020 has fallen well short of its goals. What’s more, despite the partnership’s attempts to maintain neutrality, several participants used the event to promote abortion.


FP2020 was launched at a summit in London, sponsored by Melinda Gates, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the government of the UK. Earlier that year, Gates announced that she wanted to make family planning her signature area of philanthropy, while stressing she wanted “no controversy” related to abortion or population control. “There’s a global movement waiting to happen,” she said.


However, there was already a global family planning movement, and its leaders were not interested in setting abortion to the side. Gates’ #nocontroversy hashtag quickly fell into disuse, and where FP2020 stayed relatively quiet on abortion, its partners and members of its steering groups filled the silence.


Speaking on a panel at the FP2020 event, Alvaro Bermejo, director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), said “the partnership has really made SRHR [sexual and reproductive health and rights] advocacy issues more effective” by bringing donors and implementing organizations together and creating accountability for governments. FP2020 executive director Beth Schlachter agreed, echoing his support for “family planning and SRHR more broadly.”


SRHR remains a highly controversial concept which has been rejected by the UN General Assembly for decades due to its associations with abortion, comprehensive sexuality education, and sexual orientation and gender identity.


Another frequent theme of the event was the Mexico City Policy, reinstated and expanded by former President Donald Trump, which blocked U.S. funds from going to foreign-based groups that promote or provide abortions, such as IPPF affiliates. “We made a specific decision to ensure that MSI [Marie Stopes International] and IPPF remained on the reference group to demonstrate that people could have different opinions […] but we as a community were going to try to find a way to work together,” said Schlachter.


“FP2020 managed to remain as the one convener where the U.S. government and staff and technical people and implementers like ourselves and other donors came around the table,” said Bermejo.


Numerous participants denounced Trump and his policies, including Simon Cooke, CEO of MSI, who also spoke stridently about abortion. “We have pathways for trans men to access abortion services” at MSI clinics, he said, acknowledging that “these are infinitesimally small numbers.”


Between providing opportunities for IPPF and MSI to promote their broader agendas, the event showcased FP2020’s crowning achievement: 60 million additional users of modern contraception since 2012. This fell significantly short of the partnership’s goal of adding 120 million new users in that time. FP2020’s progress had been off target for years, long before the COVID-19 pandemic created global disruption.


While FP2020 framed its work in terms of creating access to contraceptives, its metrics continue to rely on “unmet need,” which does not measure access and masks the fact that only a tiny percentage of women described as having such a “need” cite lack of access as the reason.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:07 a.m. No.12914729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

UN human rights office prepares global ‘LGBT hate groups’ blacklist


The UN rights office's call for input denigrates defenders of life and family who dispute 'gender ideology' as conspiracy theorists.


The UN rights office is collecting the names of anyone who opposes the LGBT agenda in any way.


Politicians, religious leaders, and organizations from around the world who defend life and family will likely be put on a blacklist by the UN office for human rights. The drastic new measure may be used to impose sanctions on pro-family advocates and expose them to terrorist attacks.


“Who are the main actors who argue that the defenders of human rights of LGBT individuals are furthering a so-called ‘gender ideology’?” reads a call for input from the UN rights office published last month, primarily addressed to LGBT groups.


In the broadly worded prompt, the UN rights office asks for examples of “public expressions or statements by political and/or religious leaders” who challenge LGBT rights.


“What are their main arguments?” the UN rights office asks. “Have they been effective in regressing the human rights of LGBT individuals? Have their strategies directly or indirectly also impacted on the human rights of women and girls?” they add.


The UN rights office’s call for input denigrates defenders of life and family who dispute “gender ideology” as conspiracy theorists. It takes it for granted that “gender theory” is not an ideology, but an unquestionable truth. The “meanings” attached to sex and gender are “socially constructed,” it claims.


In contrast to this true gender theory, it asks for details of the “narratives” of pro-life and pro-family groups who oppose gender ideology. These narratives, the UN rights office claims, are “used to fuel violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and their particular impact on sexual and reproductive rights.”


The UN rights office is especially focused on religions of pro-life and pro-family groups.


It asks for any “examples where the concept of gender has been used in religious narratives or narratives of tradition, traditional values or protection of the family” in opposition to new LGBT laws and policies.


And it asks for information on protections for freedom of religion, belief or conscience that would limit “the enjoyment of human rights (including sexual and reproductive rights) of LGBT persons.” The UN rights office even refers to conscientious objection as a mere “figure” instead of a basic human right that can be vindicated.


The inputs provided to the UN rights office will be used in the next report of the United Nations independent expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.


The UN LGBT czar appears to be adopting the approach of the Southern Poverty Law Center, of creating a list of “hate groups.” The hate list of the Southern Poverty Law Center was notoriously used by domestic terrorist Floyd Corkins in an armed attack on the Family Research Council in 2015. The use of such hate lists has been widely criticized.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:10 a.m. No.12914783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“To Manager Swalwell: Tell Us About Fang Fang” – EPIC! Here Are the GOP Questions that Were Not Asked During Sham Impeachment Trial


Earlier today Democrats flipped the script and announced they would call witnesses in to testify against President Trump in their sham impeachment trial.


The Trump legal team then announced they would call Speaker Pelosi in to testify along with Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Pelosi and Bowser cancelled all security assistance in the US Capitol before January 6th.


Following this announcement, the House Impeachment Managers backed off from calling witnesses.


They moved on to closing arguments.


Democrats folded.


Senator Ted Cruz then leaked out the Republican questions that were skipped over yesterday.


These questions were skipped over yesterday by impeachment trial moderator Senator Patrick Leahy.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.12914793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4803 >>4809 >>4823 >>4916 >>5075 >>5120

Nickelodeon’s ‘Blue’s Clues’ Brings LGBTQ Message to Alphabet: ‘P Is for Pride’


Blues Clues & You, the long-running children’s show on the Nickelodeon cable network, is pushing LGBTQ pride with an alphabet video and song titled “ABC Song with Blue!”


The tune, sung by Blue, the show’s cartoon dog (voiced by Traci Paige Johnson), features the alphabet with ideas and words assigned to each letter. But once the song gets to the letter P, the LGBTQ agenda is shoehorned into the lyrics. “P,” the song tells kids, “is full of Pride.” To underscore that the lyrics pertain to the LGBTQ agenda, the rainbow pride flag appears on the screen. But the rainbow flag is not the only one that appears on screen.


The screen also fills with flags representing other pride causes including the Trans community, asexual community, pansexual community, intersex community, gender-fluid community, and others.


While the song has been posted to the Blues Clues & You Youtube channel, it has not yet appeared on TV during the series.


The kids cable channel often pushes the LGBTQ agenda. Last year, for instance, Nickelodeon celebrated Gay Pride Month with “queer icon” Spongebob Squarepants.


In 2019, the return of the network’s series, Rocko’s Modern Life, debuted with a new transgender character added to the cast.


Joining a “strong push” to add transgender and gay storylines to G-rated shows in an effort to normalize LGTBQ characters in kid’s shows, Nickelodeon became directly involved in encouraging LGBTQ stories by asking the gay advocacy group GLAAD to get involved in the series’ production, Entertainment Weekly reported in 2019.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:15 a.m. No.12914834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Colombia armed groups turn forcibly recruited children into 'war machines': government


Illegal armed groups in Colombia are using forcibly recruited children and adolescents as “war machines” and sexual slaves amid ongoing internal conflict in the country, the government said on Friday.


Violence in Colombia fell after a 2016 peace deal with its largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), but still-active guerrillas and crime gangs continue to target minors for recruitment.


“This crime must be abolished,” said President Ivan Duque at an event commemorating the international convention that prohibits the use of children in armed conflicts. “One of the greatest tragedies humanity has seen is the recruitment of minors.”


Armed groups convert children into “war machines, leading them to the cruelty of extinguishing another life, of being used as human shields for criminal leaders and also being used as sexual slaves for the same commanders,” Duque said.


Between 2018 and 2020, 313 children and adolescents were forcibly recruited, according to the government’s unit responsible for registering victims. Recruitment figures fell 53% in 2020 compared with 2019, when there was a 30% reduction from 2018.


Some children were recruited at as young as six, but 96% were between 12 and 17 years old when they were enlisted, official figures showed. In the last three years 520 minors have left armed groups.


The National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels, former FARC fighters who reject the peace deal and crime gangs founded by right-wing ex-paramilitaries are all guilty of child recruitment, the government says.


In some areas - including the Pacific city of Buenaventura, where recent gang violence has led to protests and demands for government help - recruitment is made easier by poverty and lack of educational and work opportunities for youth.


Between 1985 and 2020 over 7,400 Colombian minors were forcibly recruited, and around 16,000 children were killed in the conflict.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:20 a.m. No.12914898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075 >>5120

Fort Bliss Soldier Charged with Murder in Shooting Death of Former Soldier


El Paso Police have charged a Fort Bliss, Texas soldier with murder in the Feb. 8 shooting death of a former Bliss soldier.


Police arrested 23-year-old Sgt. Marcus Lamar Hill for shooting 26-year-old Darion Marquez Williams after a fight broke out in the parking lot of a downtown El Paso-area bar after midnight on Feb. 8, according to an Feb. 11 news release from the City of El Paso.


Williams was transported to an area hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Police arrested Hill and Sgt. Brandon Rishad King, 29, of Ft. Bliss at a traffic stop at 2 a.m., the release states.


Hill, who is charged with Williams' murder, is being held on $750,000 bond. King was charged with unlawfully carrying a handgun and released on personal recognizance, the release states.


Fort Bliss spokeswoman Lt. Col. Allie Payne confirmed that Hill and King were both assigned to Bliss and that Williams was a former soldier at Bliss, according to a Fort Bliss statement.


"This behavior is an affront to the values of the U.S. Army," Payne said in a statement. "Our sympathies are with those affected by this terrible incident."


Williams completed his active-duty requirements on Jan. 28, Payne added.


Fort Bliss officials, law enforcement, and Army Criminal Investigation Command are cooperating with the El Paso Police Department's investigation, Payne said in the statement.


Meanwhile, Army officials in Hawaii charged Spc. Raul Hernandez Perez on Feb. 4 with the murder of his 25-year-old wife, Selena Roth, a former soldier who was found dead Jan. 13 in on-post housing Jan. 13.


Hernandez Perez, 25, who is assigned to the 500th Military Intelligence Brigade, had filed for divorce from Roth in October.

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:21 a.m. No.12914917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075 >>5120

Covid restrictions could remain in place until ALL adults receive vaccine, UK health official says


A senior British health official has warned that it’s too soon to talk about summer plans, predicting that some of the country’s coronavirus measures will likely stay in place until the entire adult population is vaccinated…


“Injecting every adult in the country may not even be enough to confidently lift restrictions. More needs to be known about how the disease is transmitted before the government can “release everything” and allow people to “get back to life as it was.”

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:26 a.m. No.12914971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5029 >>5080

Haley definitively breaks from Trump; it could make her Jews’ GOP 2024 favorite


Ex-UN envoy has long shown astute political timing. Castigating former boss’s post-election behavior — ‘He went down a path he shouldn’t have’ — puts her at front of moderate pack


Nikki Haley has finally and decisively broken with Donald Trump in a move that puts her at the front of the potential Republican presidential pack for moderate conservatives, including pro-Israel Jews who mainly stuck with the party over the past four years because of Trump’s foreign policy.


After serving as his UN ambassador and not taking a stand for months on what his lies about election fraud would mean for his legacy, Haley made the final cut on Friday in a Politico interview. Trump’s inflammatory post-election rhetoric, which Democrats argue culminated in the deadly January 6 riot at the US Capitol, was the final straw.


“We need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”


Her break is a risky move: Trump still commands enough loyalty in the party that Republican senators are privately telling folks they are scared to convict him in his impeachment trial underway this week.


But Haley, the former South Carolina governor, has a canny sense of when it’s time for conservatives to let go of driftwood. She removed the Confederate flag from the state Capitol after a white supremacist gunned down nine Black churchgoers in Charleston in 2015. The move, which would have sparked outrage a week before the killing, went down without a hitch.


Haley was until now one of the few Trump officials who managed to walk a fine line between distancing herself from some of his outrages and earning his blessing by embracing his agenda. She has also been a star among pro-Israel Republicans for her pledge as UN ambassador to “take names” of countries that go against the United States when it backs Israel.


In effect, she had emerged from the Trump years as a political survivor capable of walking that line into the White House. Her clear break from Trumpism is a sign that more Republicans on the fence will need to stake out a side.


Many GOP Jews will be happy with Haley’s decision and could help her with her presidential ambitions.


Haley made fighting anti-Israel policy the centerpiece of her United Nations tenure, removing the United States from the UN Human Rights Council because it focused an uneven amount of energy on Israel. She also took the lead in the US decision to cut funding for UNRWA, the UN-affiliated body that assists Palestinian refugees, and which Republicans say is perpetuating the conflict. (President Joe Biden plans to reverse both policies.)

Anonymous ID: 208559 Feb. 13, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.12915006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages from ‘Signal’ App


Some scary news in regards to more spying on American citizens by their tyrannical government, this bombshell has dropped on your Saturday.


According to documents that were filed by the Department of Justice and who were first obtained by Forbes, Signal’s encrypted messages can be intercepted from iPhone devices when those apple devices are in a mode called “partial AFU,” which means “after first unlock.”


When the phones are in partial AFU mode, Signal messages can be seized by federal authorities and other potentially hostile interests.


GrayKey and Celebrate are the tools typically used by the FBI to gain this sensitive information, one of the experts explained to the courts.


“It uses some very advanced approach using hardware vulnerabilities,” said Vladimir Katalov, who founded the Russian forensics company ElcomSoft, stating that he believes that GrayKey was used by federal authorities to crack Signal.


According to Forbes, the clues and information came in the acmes of Seamus Hughes at the Program on Extremism at the George Washington University and was obtained in these court documents.


The screen shots then show the requested information of signal information requested between men accused, in 2020, of running a gun trafficking operation in New York. (The suspects have not entreated a plea and remain innocent until proven guilty).


In the Signal chats obtained from one of their phones, they discuss not just weapons trades but attempted murder too, according to documents filed by the Justice Department.


There’s also some metadata in the screenshots, which indicates not only that Signal had been decrypted on the phone, but that the extraction was done in “partial AFU.”


That latter acronym stands for “after first unlock” and describes an iPhone in a certain state: an iPhone that is locked but that has been unlocked once and not turned off. An iPhone in this state is more susceptible to having data inside extracted because encryption keys are stored in memory. Any hackers or hacking devices with the right iPhone vulnerabilities could then piece together keys and start unlocking private data inside the device.


For police to access private Signal messages from an iPhone, there are some other caveats besides a device needing to be in AFU mode. The iPhone in question appears to be either an iPhone 11 (whether Pro or Max) or a second generation iPhone SE. It’s unclear if the police can access private data on an iPhone 12. It’s also not clear what software version was on the device. Newer iOS models may have better security. Apple declined to comment, but pointed Forbes to its response to previous research regarding searches of iPhones in AFU mode, in which it noted they required physical access and were costly to do.


A Signal spokesperson said: “If someone is in physical possession of a device and can exploit an unpatched Apple or Google operating system vulnerability in order to partially or fully bypass the lock screen on Android or iOS, they can then interact with the device as though they are its owner.


“Keeping devices up-to-date and choosing a strong lock screen passcode can help protect information if a device is lost or stolen.”


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