Anonymous ID: 7e42e9 Feb. 13, 2021, 4:24 p.m. No.12918900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8902

Original is not mine but deserves repost:


Military Intelligence:


We know you monitor this board and this message is sent directly to you.


As matters stand, significantly more than half of the nation’s citizens know that vote fraud occurred in this election. More than half of the elective age citizens believe that this fraud is part of a larger “soft coup” attempt by subversive elements in our government structure to effect a totalitarian takeover of our government. And now, having apparently effected their plan, we see our government beginning to issue unlawful threats, demands and edicts which should not be countenanced in a country where the fundamental rights of individuals remain the most treasured part of our heritage of freedom.


Substantial evidence also exists that the vote fraud occurred not merely by physical manipulation, but by internet hacking and changing of votes. The evidence shows that the hacking originated outside of our country – evidence of which was gathered by well-qualified people including former military intelligence personnel. At least one major foreign country (Italy) has now acknowledged that people within its borders engaged in hacking our election. We also know that the People’s Republic of China fomented much of this, having in their known sphere of financial influence and manipulation the son of Joe Biden. Credible evidence and testimony further shows that Joe Biden himself suffers from a similar compromised interests.


Surely it does not escape your notice that the PRC has designs on destroying our Constitutional Republic and subjugating our people to tyranny, does it? You, as the agencies responsible for staying well informed far beyond the information available to private citizens, must know far more information related to this circumstance alone. It is statistically and physically not possible for Joe Biden to be the duly and lawfully elected President of the United States, and yet he currently occupies the White House. Nor are we citizens blind to the fact that other nefarious conduct in the form of child and female sex trafficking, and many other crimes of lucre, are also likely related if not the entire justification for the levels of corruption which we now see manifest in our executive, legislative and judicial bodies at all levels of society.


For more than 250 years, the people of this nation could count on our military as the faithful guardians of our Republic. While our history is replete with villians of all types in public service, and while some individuals even in our military have proven to be people whose loyalties might be purchased, you – our military – have as a whole been our dependable shepherds to restrain forces of malevolence both outside and inside our national borders when such malevolence threatened to harm our way of life.

Anonymous ID: 7e42e9 Feb. 13, 2021, 4:25 p.m. No.12918902   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Your oaths of obligation are given to no government leader, but instead to the preservation of our Constitution which is the authority given from the people to those freely and lawfully elected by the people, for them to stay within the confines of that document. With some exceptions, these elected officials have not done so.


This Board does condone or approve of the use of force, and likewise well-intentioned Americans have no wish to see our nation compelled into an open war amongst the civilian populace. Though few of us have seen firsthand the high costs such events would have for all, the significant majority of Americans intrinsically understand it should be avoided if possible. It is the very last resort.


But now, I am seeing among many people I know a burgeoning sense that time grows short, and circumstances quite near, to the point at which the last resort must be enacted. Unless something is done to correct the wrongs which are now driving us to the point of relinquishing our ordered liberty in a free society, such action – whether ultimately successful nor not – will be inevitable.


It need not be this way. You are our last remaining option before the populace chooses to open Pandora’s Box. We do not know when that will be. I do not advocate it here, and this message should not be taken as such. However, just as in history a little more than 100 years ago when Gavilo Princip assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and became a cause celebre to precipitate global war, within our near future such a possibility now looms large.


I urge you, with all of the information and the capabilities with which you possess, to take not the counsel of your fears that you may do harm to the fabric of American society by acting to wrest the governance of our nation from the gravest of criminals and returning it back to loyal American citizens. Our resilience is greater than you may believe, if that is your concern, and regardless of the discoveries laid bare, it is high time that the truth win out and we at least have it, for once. You need not worry about your actions being “disloyal” – the restoration of lawful government is never a crime.


I speak solely for myself, but I am well informed that my sentiments fully reflect the thoughts of loyal American citizens who greatly admire and respect the commitment which you members of our Armed Forces so proudly proclaim, in both words and courageous action.


It is a well-known adage to “Strike while the iron is hot.” Ladies and gentlemen of our guardian forces, the heat bearing upon our restrained citizenry now is such that, if action is not soon taken, they may choose to wield the hammer themselves. If so, I as a former member of the United States military will not hesitate to also stand and deliver upon my Oath, for which no expiration date has ever been asked of me, or given by me.


I implore you with the gravest concern to think carefully, and act with wisened promptitude.


Most sincerely and respectfully,


A loyal American citizen

Anonymous ID: 7e42e9 Feb. 13, 2021, 4:30 p.m. No.12918964   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> remind me why Clinton was bad


Mena cocaine traffic.


Out-of-control bureaucrats trampling Constitution.

Probably some raped kids, if the Pizzagate thing can be proven.