there was this movie one time that anons liked
so people exploit that online
because they're awful in life
there was this movie one time that anons liked
so people exploit that online
because they're awful in life
Acquittal.. you mad?
>ill post gore and get them to leave
you still dont understand who we are, do you?
Faggot larper, posting style similar to the Patch faggot warroom retard cheerleading squad.
What is new…now they can meltdown together in their very own echo chamber on twatter.
>>12918302 pb
The ENTIRE Northern Hemisphere is covered in this shit.
Nibiru pole are Pushing northern hemisphere away from the sun.>>12918302
…I told you once…
you were one of the last
then i realized you're just vapid
you quite literally post nothing of weight, just generic blackpill "muh god" bullshit that one can find on reddit
have fun bro
Pretty sure some of the bewbs are from Anons…
well, it became clear a few days ago this board serves to break compartmentalization within the intel agencies
the ones that are getting it most likely fly under the radar and do some real serious shit offline
the ones that cling to their lil fed identities are the ones that will be left behind
my intelligence is verified beyond anything you could larp
i actually come here to larp as (you)
am i passing?
if i saw it then many other far mo betta than me saw it as well
it is what it is
its fun to be a part of history
Because our elections in the US are rigged.
They have been for a very long time.
These people are not elected into office. They are installed.
The very foundation they build everything is based on fraud.
Wow…nice swing…this kid has a future.
>fed ignores
oh ok then
just pout
Kek…thanks for opening the door Nancy.
We don't even a have to do anything…these people convict themselves.
They are stupid AF.
no seriously
which books
post the titles and authors right now
stop pretending to be a nazi faggot from the fbi
post the books you think we should read
this is so much fun
omg thats adorable
you've gone to the "im a jew" foil
holy fuck i cant believe i actually respected you
he knows hes fucked if he even tries
this is hilarious
omg you are so pathetic
literally post one title of one book you fucking larping kike
one book
one author
literally off the top of your head
go ahead and shuffle through your fed handbook, there HAS to be a title for something in there somewhere
holy fuck this is amazing
omg i love you
you are the literal definition of a larp
circular that argument all up in yo ass bitch
this was fun