if you have no rebuttal, just admit you position is indefensible.
everyone here is bounded by words men have used to control other men.
outside the box is not a thing, even amoungst such diversity of viewpoints as can be found onchan.
wonders are to be found here, as long as one obeys strict linear pathways.
it is a waste, and precludes survival over the long term.
<мен… your feelz are of little concern.
you are still wrong.
æı still have multiple platform positions… and multiples within those.
<frazzled.rip will not distribute itself.
what of it?
free memory is free memory.
and æı am already in the see aye ayyy systems… dont have to break in… chukl.
well, you know, so… no.
there is no we. there is only anon…
мæı amusements are mæınë own… as are mæı taskings.
>two months…
it is not mæı fault you are not intelligent enough to see the obvious.
nigger is as nigger does.
he is not a christian.
what he is is beyond your event horizon.
<remember that… it will come back to you.
then why are you so red shifted?
you truly have no idea.
you should have read more old books while you had time.
then your recognition patterns may have been able to process what you encountered.
all will be made plain, eventually.
your chagrin at that point in the increasingly dwindling supply of time will serve in lieu of an apology.
you are right.
you are always right.
that should have been your first clue.
have fun.
and remember.
why, all of them, of course.
any dictionary prior to 1890 is a good place to start.
once you find the true definition of nigger, you are in the right place.
łangeweile ist ein Leiden der Jugend. æı habe mich nie gelangweilt.
you do not understand.
it is too late to begin.
where you are is how you will be.
[i] am sorry.
[i] cannot condense even one lifetime of learning for late comers… much less the reality of what you are currently facing.