>I found it first published 2017 online
It was first posted online on May 4th, 2015
"Hi all:
On the thread for the Cassiopaean Session of 4/4/2015 a forum member named Alvalsen posted this image today:
file name
I'd have to write pages to say what this picture shows!
Is that a real image from ancient Egypt? War puppets of puppets…
I listened to a much better interview from William Garner in 2012 that covers most of what's in this thread about Jesuits. The previous interviewer on that link I put above was a bit iffy."
The artwork is intricate and I'm 10/10 sure they got it from a video on ancient egypt. It's too "correct" to be fake. Meaning IF fake the person who made it had to have been an expert in gylphs.