>>12921078, >>12921093 >LinWood asks for help: Under the “rules” of the State Bar of GA (PB)
This Sherry Boston character is the "D.A." of Dekalb County, GA. Not surprisingly:
Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins has joined progressive prosecutors from across the nation on a two-week junket to Germany and Portugal to study “second chances” and decriminalization of drug use.
Rollins… is joined by fellow reformist district attorneys such as Larry Krasner of Philadelphia, Sherry Boston of DeKalb County, Ga., and St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell.
The trip is being funded by the left-leaning national nonprofitFair and Just Prosecution. … to study European criminal justice models focused on reducing incarceration rates. https://archive.is/wip/GUfMr
St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, Globetrotting With Soros Organizations, Fails to Report Trips
News 4 in St Louis is reporting that Kim Gardner has taken many lavish trips paid for by groups controlled by George Soros. Sources have told News 4 that Gardner takes very frequent trips paid for in full or in part by Fair and Just Prosecution, a Soros affiliated groupwithout reporting them which is required. https://davidharrisjr.com/steven/st-louis-circuit-attorney-kim-gardner-globetrotting-with-soros-organizations-fails-to-report-trips/
Vera’s Reshaping Prosecution Program Expands Work to Three New Partner Offices
As a response to this need, today theVera Institute of Justice’s Reshaping Prosecution program announced an expansion to support three more offices: DeKalb County, GA (District Attorney Sherry Boston), Ingham County, MI… in their reform efforts. Chosen through a competitive process, each office demonstrated a strong commitment to working to transform their policies, practices, and culture in order to reduce incarceration and address racial disparities– and increase transparency and accountability to the communities they serve. https://www.vera.org/newsroom/veras-reshaping-prosecution-program-expands-work-to-three-new-partner-offices
Latest NFL social-justice grant recipients sport George Soros connections
League donates $2 million to eight social-justice organizations as part of Inspire Change
The league announced grants Tuesday totaling nearly $2 million to eight organizations focused on education and economic advancement; police and community relations; and “criminal justice reforms,” as part of a $20 million commitment, according to a press release.
They include two organizations withties to Soros: the Alliance for Safety and Justice and the Vera Institute of Justice.Both have received funding from the progressive donor’s Open Society Foundations.
Yeah, "change" alright. Communist:RACIAL RADICALISM
From its inception, the CPUSA had put resources into recruiting African Americans into ranks. … CPUSA’s modus operandi is to delegitimize and smear American society by depicting it as deeply and irremediably infested with racism, sexism, homophobia, and all manner of injustice.
FRONT Groups
In 1935, with the rise of Nazism, the Comintern changed its policy and adopted the Popular Front tactic, which allowed the CPUSA to pose as the anti-fascist defenders of American liberalism. … it simultaneously allowed the Party to infiltrate a whole host of liberal institutions and use them as front groups. The CPUSA worked especially on becoming a presence within the powerful labor federation, the Congress of Industrial Organizations …archive.is/wip/xoqhd