[25] on QClock today 5:5
1204 days since Q are in the books… on day 1205 now (completed specifically by 3:33:50pm or 4:44:28pm, depending upon which Q1 time you use.
1205 is a Christmas-ish number.
Canary palm tree? (Daytona?)
4am tweet of Marina Abromovic
only text in tweet is a file name (odd)
512 x 512
[215 x 215] take away one yields 2-14?
H8VRVViW (the V's stood out to me as kinda make the same "50 55" you identified).
You just reminded me of something I saw and regret not screen grabbing at the time.
I'm a wannabe planefag and when Biden's non-AF1 plane landed at Joint AFB Andrews Friday night, it did (as is not unusual) a crazy jagged flight path right before landing and disappeared off ADS-B just prior to the runway on roughly Wisconsin Road. When he landed last week in Deleware it was on QUINDOME Drive.
I only took note of Wisconsin Road because I had previously seen that President's Day (2-15) is also National Wisconsin Day.
Probably nothing.
A truly moving experience.
Just not in any way I would have anticipated or could clearly prove.