>After the latest leaks it seems it was "Ad hoc" decision. And that's why the "cock ups" as excused by the BCC?)
I wrote that wrong.
"it" refers to the stories around the Salomon Bros. bld. aka "Bld. 7" / ada Lehman bros. Bld. and the decision taken that it should be destroyed.
When the mission as conceived failed, that's when they decided they had to destroy "7" building via demolition?
It was Guil. security bunker just built. And all offices in Bld. leased to FEDS.
Some claim Giuliani was meant to die that day to provide an excuse for martial law? Maybe. Maybe not.
I don't know their complete plans so I don't know what-all was foiled.
I wrote "BCC" but that is BBC.. Jane Standley announcing the destruction of "7" while it was still there on the live screen behind her - They pulled the plug on her interview minutes before "7" came down.
That was the "Cock-up" as described by BBC chief.
Another example of "OOPs we have no tapes from that day" [and that day alone of any other day]