Anonymous ID: adb6b6 Feb. 14, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.12926247   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6384



If we could understand where religion really came from, maybe then we could change, or start to change, our conceptions and rules of observance. Maybe then will we succeed, or start to succeed, in finding out who and what the true God is.


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Symbols, Sex and the Stars</cite>

GOD is the English/Angelish Transliteration of the Latin Word Deus, Deus is an alternate spelling of the Greek Word Zeus.


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Prometheus was a volcano-god whose worshippers took him to Greece. Yahweh was a volcano-god whose worshippers took him to Judah.


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

The word volcano comes from the Latin volcano god Vulcan, or Vulcanus, derived from the older Cretan deity Velchanos.


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Yet the original Yahweh seems to have begun as a volcano god also. Mount Sinai, where Moses encountered him, was the seat of a Midianite god who had formerly dwelt in the volcano[…]


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Manna was the mushrooms - the small, round things in the morning dew.


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

If Moses climbed Mount Sinai to meet the resident god, then the god he met would have been the moon god Sin, who had been enthroned on that mountain since the rise of Sumeria, and gave his name to it. In fact, Sin gave his name to the whole Sinai peninsula, formerly "the Land of Sinim" (Isaiah 49:12), or the land of the lunar mountain. The original Yahweh was only another form of this "primitive lunar deity of Arabia." Sin became part of the Babylonian trinity along with Shamash the sun and Ishtar the star.


Jordan Maxwell / <cite>Moses The Law Giver</cite>

Moses is pictured with the "Moon or Luna Horns". Moses was the focal figure of an ancient cult of moon worship on the Sinai (Sin-ai) Peninsula. The Horns represent the Cres[c]ent Moon.

Anonymous ID: adb6b6 Feb. 14, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.12926290   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6298 >>6328 >>6353 >>6653


I for one loved the idea of the founding concept of America: All men are created equal and free and all men should be respected as part of natural rights. And that you should be able to have liberty, freedom and justice. But it's all gone. There is no freedom, no liberty and there is no justice. I will give you a prophecy: The world is headed toward a George Orwell movie. The whole world is headed toward a dark, occult prison. There's something going on here on this earth that if we don't awaken from we are going to find out we have all been had.


There is no injustice in the universe. We get what we pay for. What goes around comes around. The concept is Karma. So what we have put out in different ways, we are getting it back now. We are getting it back in spades. The Vatican and British Royalty and the royalty of Europe never forgot for one minute what happened back in 1776. A bunch of people we now call Americans stood up to the King of England and stood up to the Vatican. The British royalty don't forget that. We left you alone but now we are going to teach you a lesson. We are going to destroy your civilization, your freedom; we are going to destroy your liberty and never again will you stand up against the Holy Father in Rome. That is what is happening today. America is being destroyed, nobody knows why or how and nobody understands the secret societies.

Anonymous ID: adb6b6 Feb. 14, 2021, 1:27 p.m. No.12926374   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6388 >>6394 >>6668


When I was 10 I saw the movie Xanadu and fell in love with mythology and the idea of muses…and how they help you g=follow your dreams..back then I wanted to be an artists…I am now finally..40 yrs later..and I have been chasing a magical my eyes..mine…Olivia newton Johns daughter just recently came out with a reboot of a duet she made wit her mom..Have to Believe in Magic….



Its what we are doing here..We Have To Believe


great story anon!!!! Love Its!

Lets Bring Back Romance and Bomb Ass Friendships!

Anonymous ID: adb6b6 Feb. 14, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.12926476   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Iran before Israel…Iran got that leader who has no problemo in blowing up the region..the way they see it..if they nuke themselves and take out Enemy Israel..they win anyway…Israel depends on havinh that enemy…once removed…what can Israel do???…there lays in the genius…