On a planet where everyone (almost) who has had access to the highest halls of power is part of the kult, GEOTUS could only appoint/work with those actors. The cogs of the global machine were already in place and had to be turned in place. Such was our predicament; the choice was already made long ago, though this cosmic mechanism contained a fail-safe which would defy the enemy's best laid plans, allowing GEOTUS to accomplish the inexplicable. The enemy was confounded and astounded (that she didn't win is but the tip of the spear). Yet still, though thoroughly unnerved (cf. panic), they presume they can contain the anomaly by resetting the machine, while recognizing the challenge since the genie is unleashed, but still believing in their own unholy providence, still refusing to recognize that God accomplished another critical step in His step-by-step design, just as He always does, because He was, is and always will be in control. Meanwhile, millions of snakes (but limited in number) twist and writhe inside the pit they dug for themselves since the beginning, unable (too deep) to rise above a mass delusion which God has cursed them by. So the enemy remains committed to rebuilding their tower to the sky from smoking rubble, even while the foundation itself is cracked by the heat and can't hold. What a spectacular show with one inevitable ending, about which none but the Almighty understands the precise mechanism or the time and place. Buckle up bitches.
Every cog in this unworthy machine has to play its part as cast because it is critical to its continuation — it can't pause, because even one moment in which that the dancing lights on the screen are paused expose an empty and all-revealing darkness. The spectacle all falls apart the moment the sheepsies conclude that our demonacracy is but a shadow play, performed by golden-globe winning thespians on both (nay, all) sides. GEOTUS used this critical pinion in the enemy's construction to his (our) full advantage. They danced to the point of exhaustion and it shows.