>Information Warfare is not a Game Edition
gamified, but not a game
OJ Simpson
Orange Juice
Donald Trump
Good cop
Imagine being that terrified of Trump's campaign in June 2015, when every MSM whore said it was just a nothing, publicity stunt
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well that's just loony tunes
just the first thing I happen to have to hand
Just for the sake of philosophy, epistemology, I wish we'd deal with what exactly the proofs are proving.
That proves connection to someone on AF1.
It does not prove the seat assignment, as filenames can be manipulated.
Trump had a boatload of bad actors around him for a long time. So it doesn't prove that the individual is good.
But it's still a good proof of AF1, a connection to Trump, and one might reasonably assume that it's a good actor.
>Marco Rubio Introduces National Gun Grab
Trump was never really motivated by 2A. Exact quote "our second amendment is a disaster"
I wrote it down in 2016. It stayed on my shelf for 5 years. Under the pile "dumb stuff donald has said"
Do you agree or disagree. Or you don't have the balls to do either?
Extending the point, it proves "not a larp".
But then, Q admitted to losing control of the Trip in 1835.
And no one addresses that.
Yes it joins those 2 posts across 2 trips. Which is good to know.
But your context was a very "big picture" concept of whether "it's all over". Hence my "big picture" response of what does this really prove to us. It proved NOT A LARP. Certainly. Fuck alex jones, fuck posobiec, and anyone who said larp. Nope, definitely not that.
Did we get any confirmation pics after 1835?
Big new trip started 1836 and lasted 1800 posts.
Prior to 1835 in the ~1700 prior is where all the crap like TRUST SESSIONS resides.