I always love "happy endings."
Buh but, they created gunpowder and were one of the first to promote recreational Opium use. Great contributions to mankind, but they didn't invent bullets (Sarcasm, for those unable to discern).
What would be the purpose of that? Why stay in a half-Commie Country, when you can go full-Commie under Justin Trudeau Castro?
KeK! Should make a meme: Your diagnosis is, dumb nigger! Sorry to tell you the bad news, but it's incurable and contagious.
That's a good thing! Means they will die, instead of Americans. However, neverunderestimate people so stupid that they will line - up and wait hours to get the "kill shot," that that they can use to turn you into a trans-human with, first.
>>>Almost like they are more interested in protect the plan and Q than America.<<< They are one and the same douche nozzle!
Newfags and those who aren't on the board that much, this is what a "shill cluster fuck" looks like. All staged to look like they are in agreement, organically (Yet they glow like any other "GLOWFAG!")
A coordinated DS assassination.
News flash! And you're STILL a SHILL, faggot! BTFO!
Try 3. 8 year olds are smarter than that.