some people must love being fucking retarded
ironically enough, i blame social media
why did ivanka date nat rothschild?
and now with that thing she is with now?
seems like a rather small circle at the top.
millions of eligible americans yet goes with 2 tribe members..
open source info.
if people haven't figured that out by now, they're not too much of a "researcher" now are they?
>women are not even shallow
top kek
nice piece of fiction there.
that's what i figured, maybe trying to get intel or blackmail material (either side)
different factions (think mafia factions but illuminati)
original ones were about buildings and shit then the sick fuckers came in with all the pedo blackmail shit.
secret societies are still repugnant
hmm, so are they all the same bloodlines that were in ancient rome and one side is responsible for the downfall of rome?
i knew trump's family was there doing the french revolution but that's a rather modern event compared to rome.
there were some digs on the merovingian thing way back as well.
i don't even think finding out that we were are seeded on this planet by an alien species to harvest precious metals and when they're done using us and the numbers have maxed out, they return to eat everyone.
>trump and patton
he did give a shout out to patton a few times an mt rushmore was the most recent i believe.
>ask powell
kek, na i don't do social media..maybe some lurker can handle that.
fucking methhead is back
back to lurking
people who fail to acknowledge and realize demographics will be defeated by their own replacement by powers outside their own control
trojan horse traitors within thinking they're patriots by wanting to open the floodgates and send domestic economic currency overseas
>muh vatican
leftypol trannies in the wire