Anonymous ID: be0cce Feb. 14, 2021, 10:06 p.m. No.12930824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2103 >>2215

Larry Johnson wrote:




Hammer & Scorecard


Some faithful readers of SST were understandably upset when I blew the whistle on Mary Fanning’s fraudulent contribution to Mike Lindell’s latest video, Absolute Proof. I agree with Mr. Lindell that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen from Mr. Trump. But what Mary Fanning presents as “evidence” is built on a fabrication. It is not real. And actual cyber experts, including Yaacov Apelbaum, can confirm this.


Sharon Rondeau, who runs The Post & Email, just posted a voluminous report further exposing Dennis Montgomery as a fabricator and grifter. If you take time to read her latest investigative work, Hammer Hoaxer Infiltrates Lindell’s Absolute Proof (Part I) and (Part II), you will here Dennis Montgomery admit on tape that HE WAS NOT THE INVENTOR NOR CREATOR OF HAMMER. Montgomery only started pushing the HAMMER nonsense after Edward Snowden revealed the massive scale and scope of NSA snooping on American citizens.


Many of you have wondered why I took on this story. It is not because I am a secret, CIA mole. It is true that I worked at the CIA for four years (1985-1989) and then worked at the US Department of State in the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism. It was my time at State Department that led me to work closely with the FBI and US military special operations forces. When I left the State Department in September 1993, I began working as a consultant and maintained my Top Secret clearances. I helped script and execute counter terrorism exercises for U.S. military special operations forces from 1994 thru 2018. This put me in regular contact with people in the intelligence community, law enforcement and military special operations. My prior experience with the CIA was an added boost.


Now that you know the thumbnail version of my history, you can understand why an attorney working for Ed Butowsky (who was in the middle of law suits involving the parents and brother of Seth Rich) hired me to check out leads and information that were touted as “intelligence” material.

This is how I first came in contact with Dennis Montgomery.


[read the whole thing at:]