Anonymous ID: 5916f0 Feb. 15, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.12934294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4326 >>4353

Remember that scene from Matrix 2, when Neo's sitting with The Oracle on the bench? Oracle offers candy, and Neo says, "Do you know if I'm already going to take it?"

Oracle, "Wouldn't be much of an oracle if I didn't."

Neo, "But if you already know, then how can I make a choice?"

Oracle, "Because you didn't come here to make a choice. You came here to understand why you made that choice."


Also, in Forrest Grump, at the end, when Gump's standing next to his mother's grave he says, "I can't tell who's right. If we have a destiny, or if we're floating around on a breeze accidental-like. I think it's both?…"


And Q's always saying that we're watching a movie, or that we're in a movie.


So here's my idea. What if humans DO have free choice. But we made all our choices before the world started, or before our lives started. And now we're just living through the scripted movie?

Anonymous ID: 5916f0 Feb. 15, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.12934401   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>acquitted twice


Just shows how comped and pointless courts are. If democrats controlled the senate, Trump would be in Prison, or something. Not because there's evidence, but because too many democrats and RINOs have pedo-blackmail on them.