"You have more than you know"
Defined as: There has been enough data/information collected that a formal petition for the REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES on behalf of "The People".
"Expand your thinking"
Defined as: Realize that the power you harness as a group can facilitate a formal REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES by "The People".
"Trust the plan."
Defined as: Know yourself and know that together "We The People" have the ability to make the changes and clean up the criminality in our government. However, it is up to "We The People" individually, to follow through with the changes we want to see.
As much as Trump and others have done, there will be no knight in shinning armor riding in to "make it all better".
The embodiment of this country is NOT the government. The embodiment of this country is "We The People". Trust the founding fathers' plan(s), the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights!