Anonymous ID: dc565e Feb. 15, 2021, 3:15 p.m. No.12938734   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know what my ancestral roots are. I even visited there several years ago. I made the pilgrimage already and I'm glad I did so.

But, I'm done.

It's useful to know where you came from. It firms up your sense of self (did for me) to walk on the soil your ancestors fought over.

But it's essential to note that with each passing generation, the old ties soften and the new ties solidify.

I would not consider Ireland's fight to be my fight. We might fight for the same things (human freedoms, for instance), but I won't be traveling there to do battle … that battle is for the Irish to win – my help, even in a victory, would leave them the weaker and beholden to someone else. I also don't expect my Mick cousins to jump on a plane and fight on American soil. This is not their fight, either. And it's a fight that THIS GENERATION of Americans must fight for themselves if we are ever to hold our heads erect again. Even if we should somehow lose, it will strengthen future generations to know that we gave it all we had and died rather than to wear the chains of lesser men. We owe that much to our children and to their children, too. It's a debt we are honor bound to pay and a price we are duty bound to levy on our foes. The most intelligent thing I ever did was to turn my TV off 20 years ago. Since then, I've watched it perhaps 5 hours … with skepticism and distrust.