So - ARREST the son of a bitch.
He looks like a complete IMPOSTER - a dumbfuck in pantomime.
Hillary is more presidential then this moron, and she is a total loser.
There are still quite a few living in the delusion, but the number has definitely dropped. The rest are shit posters and trolls.
Big Mike is posting again.
And now that Biden is President, this shit will never end.
Cuomo should be electrocuted using his nipple rings.
One of the worst things Biden is going to do is rejoin Paris Accordโฆ
Bill Gates is running the trillion dollar vaccine scam - wait till you see the trillions they make from Carbon Credit scam. All while China is exempt for a couple of decades. This will be a giant CON on another sick level.
I always thought that is standard position to subdue a son of a bitch motherfucker criminal.
Any relation to Ted Kaczynski by chance?
"Dumb Fuck"
I'd like to make my own moonshine.. know anything about homemade stills?
i overheard an Asian women saying white people are really stupid - on the way they are buying the COVID shit without question - I have to admit, looking around there are a lot of dumb fucks that are complying like lemmings. The US is supposed to be a developed nation - why so many compliant idiots per square inch?
I would not take that BILL GATES shit if it was the last thing on Earth. Fuck Bill Gates and Fuck Fraudci.