>>12939085 lb
Nobody wants a Romney McMuffin when you can get a Taco Bowl from Trump Tower.
>>12939618 lb
>>12939085 lb
Nobody wants a Romney McMuffin when you can get a Taco Bowl from Trump Tower.
>>12939618 lb
No Creepy flights = no missing AF1 call signals.
Yeah, let's see the wide shots of CD.
People have no confidence looking forward. Remember "consumer confidence," the phrase we never heard from 2000-2016? It came back with Trump.
Hidin Biden on Presidents Day ffs??? Is he dead or completely lost it already?!?? Wouldnt surprise me at all.
67 mile ride from CD to WH.
The Sundowning starts early with Creepy Joe, bed by 7.
The stupid does hurt, especially when they try to mask-shame me and I have to unleash 8-10 volleys of verbal 20 gauge. They feel my pain.
He's old and decrepit and has lost 2 sizes so far.
That would be cool, anon.
Didnt Fredo's big brother die in the movie?
Augustine and Aquinas were both Platonists, esp. Augustine. All 3 authors are the type of must-reads that the libtards have been gradually eliminating since the late 60s. Too much truth there.
It's better that Creepy refrains from bringing his devoted fans and voters out in such horrible weather. Plus, machines tend to freeze up in the snow.