Anonymous ID: 1cbde7 May 4, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.1295019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5123


NK releasing hostages BEFORE even meeting with POTUS is a big boom.


We get caught up in wanting moar, moar, moar & bigger, bigger, bigger booms that we lose site of the actual booms that happen.


BiBi's talk on the evidence of Iran is a big boom because it puts the Iran nuke deal in Trumps crosshairs to "nuke" it & make them renegotiate. Q didn't say "Iran is next" for nothing & whether Anons like it or not- it looks like BiBI is working with Trump on this.

Anonymous ID: 1cbde7 May 4, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.1295104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q says "Follow the money"…all banks, money, value of gold, silver & the stock markets are controlled by BIS.


BIS is the eye of the triangle that everything below feeds. It is in Switzerland…who "protects" the Pope? Swiss Guards. BIS is run by Luceferians per Ronald Bernard (WATCH HIS YT VIDEOS- very revealing)


So- (P)ope takes orders from the Chair…


"THINK LOGICALLY"….the CHAIRman (Jens Weidmann) of BIS would be the Head of it all with his board members.


"THINK LOGICALLY"….they are calling the shots of everything! How do you think the Stock market went down 666 points that one day? That was a warning from them to POTUS!


Do some digging into BIS if you want to know who is controlling the world for its evil gains.