Anonymous ID: aebc6d May 4, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.1295013   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hello Anon,


Welcome to the Chans. Your stay here will be short. You see in the wonderful world of anonymous Chans no one gives a fuck about your feelings. We understand what is happening because this is our world. We got loose and thought we could let normies in and we were wrong. You complainfags, concernfags, etc only slow down our process of digging, memeing and shitposting. Q understands this world which is why he chose it. They understands that with all these normies, 5 eyes and 3 letter agencies they HAVE to give false info and misinfo. It's called misdirection faggot. No one here cares how twisted your panties are cuz muh timeline. Either join the dig, meme or GTFO. You weren't invited here you stumbled on the chans late in the game and now don't like the format and culture we have created. Some of us have been here since the 1st Meme War of 2015! Patience is all we know. So either contribute or STFU!


(This applies to all non-shill (_)fags that whine all the goddamn time!)


If you are a shill then I apologize for responding to you… KYS..