Anonymous ID: f00a69 May 4, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.1295062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5139


Unironic post number is unironic.

Here's an analogy.

Ok Great 8ch Anon Detectives, we will be focusing our digs on this pebble beach where heinous crimes have been committed today. We will leave no stone unturned, well except maybe those marked with the Star of David, as those are the chosen stones, and cannot hide any wrong doing, and must be left undisturbed as to not be in contravention of widely accepted edicts that were proclaimed Eons ago. Filthy Gentile hands may not touch those stones, lest impure DNA fragments be left behind and corrupt the pure genetic stock contained therein. To contravene the edicts is a grave sin that is known as Antisemitism, and such behavior will be immediately denounced publicly by Jewish dominated Legacy media that are essentially just well established politically biased entities masquerading as News Outlets.

Enjoy your investigation, but know we are looking over your shoulder and will screech the minute your hand approaches a Chosen Stone.

Anonymous ID: f00a69 May 4, 2018, 7 a.m. No.1295233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5270


Those that push Israel as an essential ally incapable of fault are missing or willfully ignoring one of the greatest parts of this entire movement-AMERICA FIRST

The BiBi diversion is perhaps meant to draw out the subversives, even on this very board where Q has said all 3 letters are actively monitoring.

I am not advocating for "Israel is responsible for all ills, just saying that our magifying glass cannot avoid it.

I am sure some if not most of the people in Israel are good honest citizens as in any other Nation, but we are focusing on the ones that have risen up through the ranks to assume positions of leadership, where most problems arise in any country on the planet as this Cabal has exploited the greed and lust of many. Always always refer back to Ronald Bernard whose testimony clearly shows this to be the case, and look at what we've uncovered since the beginning here, our evidence supports it clear as day. Leaders are promoted because of their sexual deviance & blackmailed for it & once in the club they HAVE to hold the knife at least once in child snuff films to ensure their silence. It is cut & dried, IMHO