Stock Anon here continuing to report Stonk Market Fun via Trade Ideas and CCIV. I am the same guy telling you to get long GME for the good of humanity and to experience the biggest habbenink in Stock Market history…..but hey….what do I know…KEK
My GME buy orders with fill timestamps….so like TITS…. but bettah
Steve Cohen of Point72 is hiding his short GME position RIGHT HERE! An ETF called XRT…I bet he is still short about 4 million actual GME shares and the rest all XRT.
Shit will go wild folks…ONCE IN A LIFETIME this shit habbens!
Anon, keep your shit together. 1) Never invest money you MUST HAVE and cannot lose. 2) THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE WILD…no upside limit
3) Did I mention once in a life time! 3) Apes holds line