You know why they can't help us more? Why they keep allowing eugenicist billionaires to fuck with us? Because of people like you (most people) who can't stop living by their narrative.
Maybe when you (and 51% of the population) stop referring to "covid19" as anything other than a fucking cold, they'll help us get rid of the source of the lies.
They can't help us while you keep believing their lies. And they can't show us the truth either. It's up to you to wake up.
It's a label for pneumonia, flu and common cold.
It exists as a label. You know, what marketers do.
Weird fanfic, but ok.
>We are the Arcturian Council
Nice Hopium®.
Who needs Q when we got scamchannelers, rite?
Stop polluting the breads. And stop pretending that you cyphered that gibberish.
Where are the short words?
She was put to sleep.