Are there any black pleiadian's anon?
Or POC? - Pleiadian's Of Color?
Thanks Anon. Just asking because every picture I see of a P. has blonde hair and blue eyes like an elf from Lord of the Rings. Why do they do that?
I've got to be honest, I thought it was Nazi thing.
>This is why I think those lil grey aliens are actually from the future trying to get their reproductive systems back.
Nasty time travelling space panda's. Why do human beings help out creatures that have reached the end of their evolutionary journey?
Yeah, that was funny. I remember Thomas Wictor during Vegas when he told everyone he doesn't support any conspiracy theoriesโฆ At all.
Except the biggest one of allโฆ.
The cabals efforts to turn men effeminate and lower the birth rate through anime.
That is fine. Free choice has to be respected. As long as there is no trickery involved and people know it is a fork in the road.
What a secret! Then again, I suppose most people don't know how close Djibouti is to Yemen.
Indeed. African's to Djibouti / Somalia then across the straights to Yemen (cost $55). That is one of the reasons for war in the Yemen. Not that the media would ever report it.
Get a couple of combi bars.
In all honesty though if you are really concerned about a complete shut down of the economy then buy a load of legal drugs like paracetamol. Or other essentials that will be in short supply like tampons or deodorant or soap.
Nice. Forgot about nicotine dependency.