Anonymous ID: cb049a May 4, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.1295686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1294961 (thread #1623)

>>1294908 (thread #1623)

>>1294834 (thread #1623)

>>1294782 (thread #1623)

>>1294692 (thread #1622)

>>1294645 (thread #1622)

>>1294512 (thread #1622)



You got yourself all worked up.


In your mind you have convinced yourself (and others, maybe) that I have said things that I did not. And you are accusing of what I am not.


And yet the essence of what I said eludes you.


Parables my brother, parables.


Now who is acting unloving, inhuman, dishonest and falsely accusing?


The way I have responded to your retorts will instigate questioning and those that can see will see and those that can hear will hear.


"Do not give the holy to the dogs and cast not your pearls before swine lest they trample them under foot and turn and rend you."


There are many that react (and will agree) like you, however that will not remedy the ills of the world. You don't want to relieve the world of it's ails? Using your reasoning and logic you would cut your nose off to spite your face.


Also, I noticed you posted not a word about the American tycoons that assisted in the killing of many Americans. I guess it's easier and more convenient for you to attack and slander me for posting truth.


So my friend, what is your agenda? Apparently not love, upliftment of humanity, the raising of consciousness and peace.


You've made that clearly evident in your posts.