Anonymous ID: da7980 May 4, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.1296283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As someone who has added the name james alefantis to rhe german page of wikipedia i can tell you that:


  • wikipedia is NOT an encyclopedia buta propaganda tool

  • the so called adminsare a bunch of liberal progressive sjw and will…

  • ridicule, censor, try to misrepresent or just flat out erase any effort of telling normues about 9/11. pizzagate or qanon.


Make no mustake. Wikipedia is deep enemy territory. Its like protesting at the castle in disney land.


Prepare toget frustrated with these people causeas soonas they understand what you are doing they will add shit like "antisemitic, rightwing fever dream" to it before caöling your account vandalism and revert your editing.


Wikipedia is deepstate.