Anonymous ID: eeb02e May 4, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.1295680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1295414 (lb)


Thank you for not replying with muh shills muh complain fagging. I've been focused internationally since Q Clearance Patriot, but that's not where I live. I'm an economics fag so all this BIS digging is old news. We know what happened since Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild uttered the words “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”


This has been dug into since the controlled op "occupy wall street" even since 9/11 truthers. We know who. We know how. We know why.


The data I track is showing a serious inflection point where the wage growth needs to pick up because inflation is rising and corporations owned and controlled by the cabal are announcing $100b stock buybacks not investing in human resources with their tax repatriation. Trump is trying to hand off the growth engine from corporations to main Street. Problem is that wall street is going to throw a fit. We have record high corporate margins if those contract earnings contract stocks contract capex contracts etc. He's walking a delicate line I get it.


But your telling me we can't turn one of these cars or private planes on them? We can't do energy beams like Cubans? Get rid of the evil, remove them from history. End it. Do it fast before this devolves into anarchy in THIS COUNTRY.