there is a posters spamming hte board.
the post is always the same, but always different. that is problematic.
the way that it is always the same:
an image that is the same, but scaled differently.
spam text that is wordless. realwords are not htere. The words that do show up are random. Usually the words contain random alphanumerics of englishletters, with a random upcase.
and random number of words. It’s a rather simple algorithm.
how to stop it? well, one needs a filter.
how to figure if it’s the same.
one could do an autocorrelatin function o the imaage and if it comes close then say ‘it’s the same.’
as far as the text: you could say if there are no real words in any of the words then it might be . . . the smapper.
all the would have to do is change it up a bit.
the rescale evertime of the image includes not just a scale, but also a aspect ration change.
they are all jpg.
perhpas there is a key inside the jpg that would tell us.
so to crack it one would need to make the aspect and scale the same. but the changing up of the algorithm would be simple enough that anything you did could easily be twarted
what one needs to do is to find the person making the script and stop them from doing it by? ? ?
and that’s the part I don’t have.
but this tactic is horid, it eats through the posts. and there is no known way outside of autocorrelation function algorithms, that allows us to easily solve this.