yesterday about this time some idiot moaning he couldn't get a job
asking Q to help him … as if Q is some sort of divine savior with super powers
his skill set matches this 2 years-old tantrum
complete looser, obvious why can't get a job
yesterday about this time some idiot moaning he couldn't get a job
asking Q to help him … as if Q is some sort of divine savior with super powers
his skill set matches this 2 years-old tantrum
complete looser, obvious why can't get a job
yesterday he took it pretty personal when people made fun of him.
there's always work if you really look
amy not always match your skill set.
I'm IT trained/experienced, … during a tough time
took up work stocking shelves in a supermarket
(actually turned out to be like a break, simple honest work,
end of the day and clocked out and wasn't still thinking about some stupid issue/bug
…got the best sleep in years every night. absolute zero stress.)
>Anons don't eat that shit, and who the hell knows what Uighurs taste like?
don't people who have tried human (survival type situations) suggest "tastes like pork?"
which would be odd as being muslims they don't eat … OH SHIT, NOW I GET IT!
Actually Zuckerberg wasn't all bad
but he caved too easily to his libtard diversity hires when they brokeback rogered him
if you go DMY or YMD you get one every month from Jan to Sep, next year too, and the year after
and just like all your other palindrome dates:
NOTHING will happen again, again, AGAIN