kek, the headpost graphic is pretty cool
Incest is: Gross
Murder is: Illegal
Child Pornography is: Satanic.
That is you, Satan. At least you figured out that your image collection was stale as fuck, so there is at least one brain cell in there.
This will be the last time I post at you, enyart is in the filter list now, so your gay ass boyfreind can fuck off too
>Why all the spam this morning?
That's happening because anons are not abandoning each other. This place was supposed to have been killed weeks ago.
Shills failed again
The operator is still here. They jut went underground because they popped the persona
A couple of personae popped this week
I'll mock your other persona when it comes out too, I know which one it is.
It's not stalking when you come into a thread and famefag as a person peaple are sick of.
That called retaration on your part.
since you've been gone, there has been ZERO split breads. How stupid are you?
Patriots don't get the deep state potions. The cures are locked away by the same.
Rush was probably given cancer. The deep state rolls like that
You bring them up so often though!
That's one of the tells. Keep bringing them up. They're irrelevant just like you.
enoy filtering yourself then
with no help from you!